. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 .

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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫

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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫


" I can't believe those punks soaked our clothes!" Fulton threw his arms up after having just thrown a couple pieces of popcorn into his mouth. Madisyn nodded in agreement with him, a bitter look on her face at the fact her boyfriend was a part of the group.

The two friends sat on Fulton's couch in his basement. They had quickly gotten over the fight the team had and Fulton apologized to her about calling her a sell-out. Madisyn had no hesitation to forgive him and say it was a heat of the moment thing.

Movies played on Fulton's TV and they had their homework splayed in front of them on the coffee table. If anyone would ask, they would say it was a movie night but it was secretly for Madisyn to help Fulton out with his homework. Mostly math.

" Everything's going to shit, Mad Dog."

" Tell me about it." Madisyn shifted so she was sitting up on the couch instead of laying with half her body hanging off. Originally, her and Adam were supposed to hang out after the game but with his constant mood changes and the whole varsity trashing their clothes, Madisyn opted out to hang out with Fulton instead. She had been invited to go with Julie, Ken and Russ to do some prank that they wouldn't disclose, but she denied the invitation.

" I can't believe Banksie would do that to us too."

" Tell me about it!" Madisyn groaned, throwing her arms up. Fulton looked over at her with sympathy dancing in his eyes. Trying to get in a better mood, she shifted so she was facing him and grinned. " So, are there any cute girls?"

Fulton groaned seeing Madisyn wiggle her eyebrows. She let out a contagious laugh that he couldn't help but laugh along with. Once they settled down they both focused on the movie for a bit before he spoke up.

" What's going on with you and Banksie?" He cautiously asked.

Madisyn shrugged, suddenly finding a whole new obsession with the TV. " Honestly? I don't know. We're just off right now I guess. I don't like it, obviously. But I'm just waiting for a better moment to bring it up.."

" Mads, if you keep quiet for too long things are seriously going to turn up worse than our damn team. And our team is horrible right now. Just talk to the kid," Fulton advised, seeing Madisyn was about to say something he kept going. " And if he doesn't listen then we'll fly Portman out and our small Bash Family will beat his ass."

They both laughed and Madisyn gave a small nod. Sniffing as she did, her attention turned to Fulton.

" Thank you, Fulton. Actually."

" Don't sweat it. You're like a sister, Mads."

Madisyn had left Fulton's house around eleven. His mom had given her a ride back to the dorms after telling her that 'no teenage girl was supposed to walk all that way alone at night'. She walked into her dorm, Julie's head shooting up from her blankets.

The blonde tiredly pointed to the phone, " Banks' been calling all night long. You should probably call back."

" Right." Madisyn sighed, taking the phone off its holder. " Thanks, Jules."

Before she could even dial Adam's home number, it started ringing. Madisyn only prayed it wasn't Adam calling again. She put the phone to her ear.

" Hello?"

" Where were you tonight?" Adam's snappy voice came through the phone. Madisyn took a deep breath. 

" I was at Fulton's for movie night. Why?"

" You were supposed to come over. Remember?"

They both gave out annoyed sighs.

" Your ' Yeah... sure' wasn't very convincing, Adam. Besides you seemed to not want anything with me yesterday OR today so I thought I'd let you take a breath of air. Don't get me started on the whole trashing out clothes thing either." Madisyn explained slowly but not it obviously wasn't slow enough.

" So? If I say anything along the lines of ' yes, yeah, sure ' it usually means yes, Madisyn." He vented. " And that wasn't me! You think I'd do that to you? The Ducks?"

" I'm not doing this tonight. Either talk to me tomorrow in a better mood or don't. Your choice. Goodnight Adam." Madisyn finally snapped back and then slammed the phone down. She inhaled and exhaled a couple times before getting ready for bed and trying to fall asleep.


Madisyn walked into Mickey's Diner with her tote bag swinging on her side. She could see Charlie's horrible hunched over position in a booth at the end of the diner. She saw Casey giving her a smile, but it was obvious the mother was having a tough day.

" You okay, Miss Conway?" Madisyn asked her.

Casey let out a tiny exhale then nodded. " I'm doing alright. Thank you for coming. Charlie would never admit it but he's struggling in physics."

" It's alright! I'm basically the whole team's private tutor at this point." Madisyn jokes, which made Casey let out a small laugh. She grinned in success before walking over to the booth Charlie was sitting in. She slid into the other side and saw an irritated eye roll come from the boy. " I know right, who does this girl think she is coming to sit by you after such a passionate argument?" Charlie opened his mouth to say something but Madisyn held up a finger, silencing him. " News flash, Charlie, shit happens. Teams fight and sometimes, we hate our lives. Want a piece of information?" She got nothing from him. Charlie leaned into his seat and crossed his arms, giving her a look to go on. " Get the fuck over it. Big whoop that you aren't captain right now. Who else would take it? Averman?"

That made Charlie chuckle, which led to a smile appearing on the girl's face. He spoke, " Maybe you should captain with such an inspiring speech like that."

" Oh stop, you'll make me blush." Madisyn grinned. Charlie's face matched her and she felt like she won. She pulled out an empty notebook and a pencil. " Now let's work on physics."

" Seriously? That's why you're here?" Charlie asked in disbelief. He glanced over his shoulder towards his mom, who was glancing at them every few seconds. Charlie looked back to Madisyn and saw her raise an eyebrow. He huffed and pulled out his work. " I don't understand the unit we're on. It's about physical quantities."

" Well you know what physical quantities means, right?" Madisyn asked. She got no response from Charlie and blew out through her nose. " Okay then, physical quantities are any physical properties that can be quantified and can be measured with numbers. Different examples could be mass, or amount of substance. Things like length, time, temperature, electric current, light intensity too."

" How do you know all this stuff?" Charlie had been dying to know how Madisyn was able to help everyone on the team with different subjects. He truly did not know how the girl had so much information stuffed in her brain.

" Young Madisyn was a people pleaser and her mom didn't have a lot of money so she took it upon herself to get good grades and play hockey so she could get a scholarship to some of the nicest Ivy leagues." Madisyn explained. " By the end of my seventh year I had finished four out of seven of my grade eight courses so I could start taking high school courses. A lot of the time I don't know what people ask me so I research whatever I can about it to help them out."

" How the hell are you this smart and still a wicked hockey player?"

" Well Charlie," Madisyn smirked. " I've been playing defense my whole life."

" Oh shut up Madisyn!"


brb loving charlie's and madi's friendship

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