. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 .

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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬

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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬


When Adam got home, he went to his room and slammed the door shut. The red tie was ripped off of him and he threw it into the laundry hamper. The whole Banks family heard the slam and couldn't be more confused on why he came home in such a mood when he left the house all happy and cheerful about hanging out with his girlfriend.

" I'll go." Noah sighed and attempted to get off the couch. Rylan pushed him down with a shake of his head. Noah looked at the middle child, confused.

" You'd only fuel his anger, that's the one thing you're good at doing." Rylan snarked as he moved from the living room. Kelly shouted after him about being kinder but Rylan ignored his mom's words, knowing he was right. He knew Noah knew he was right too. He knocked on Adam's door. " Yo Adam, what's going on?"

" Go away, Rylan."

Rylan did, in fact, not go away. He rolled his eyes and walked into Adam's room. He wasn't expecting his little brother to have tears welled up in his eyes. Adam blinked quickly trying to get rid of the tears, wiping his nose before looking up at Rylan.

" I messed up so bad, Ry. So. Fucking. Bad." He mumbled, finally looking up. The tears were brought back to his eyes no matter how much he was trying to fight them away.

Rylan couldn't be more confused. He closed the door and pulled Adam's desk chair over. He sat down on it, right in front of his brother. He spoke, " You gotta use your words, bud. Tell me what actually happened."

" I broke up with her. I didn't even mean to. The words just came out and I didn't stop them." Adam admitted.

Rylan's eyes were wide, shock dancing in them. " You broke up with Madisyn?!"

" Ya know, hearing it again really doesn't help." Adam pursed his lips, giving Rylan a look of defeat. His older brother shrugged, although the apologetic look he gave wasn't discarded.

" If you didn't stop the words, don't ya think they would actually mean something?" Rylan asked Adam.

Adam's head shot up to Rylan, " The fuck is wrong with you? Obviously they don't mean anything, I don't want to break up with her."

" Didn't. You didn't want to break up with her. As in past tense. As in, you already did it, bud. " Rylan corrected, he sighed when all he got from Adam was an intense glare. " Listen, Adam, all you gotta do is go up to her tomorrow, take her to a private spot and apologize. Tell her how much you didn't want to break up and it was a heat of the moment thing. That girl will fall into your hands like puddy."

" You," Adam pointed at Rylan. " Obviously don't know her. She would probably beat me up if I even came near her. Not to mention, she would have told Julie, who would tell Connie, and Connie, who can't keep her mouth shut, would tell Guy and Guy would tell everyone because just like his girlfriend, he's not very good at keeping things under the wraps. I am royally fucked."

" Yikes. And these guys are your friends?" Rylan winced at the amount of names and information he just heard. Adam shook his head at him, looking even more devastating than before. " They aren't your friends anymore? You've known these guys since Pee Wee's."

" Yeah well that's what happens when you get noticed for your talent and they don't." Adam spat.

" Okay, off topic. Screw them, you gotta focus on the matter at hand," Rylan waited for Adam to finish his thought but the youngest Banks brother didn't. Rylan deadpanned at his brother before finishing, " Getting your girl back. I bet you she's a mess right now anyway, she'll probably come up to you tomorrow and say how much she wants to get back together."


When Julie walked into her dorm, she hadn't expected to see Madisyn pacing around the room. Julie closed the door and asked her, " Mads, what's going on?"

" He broke up with me." Madisyn growled out, stopping her pace to look at Julie. She had mascara running down her cheeks and her hair was tousled  - like she had been running her hands through it. Julie mentally cursed at herself for thinking Madisyn still looked good when she had obviously had a rough night.

" HE WHAT?!" Julie yelled, shock in her tone. Connie came into the dorm with a goofy smile on her face and pink cheeks. They could hear Guy and someone else walking away from the dorm.

Connie's grin dropped as soon as she saw the state of Madisyn and Julie. One had obviously had a horrible night and the other was frozen in place, as if they had just heard the most shocking news.

" What did I miss?" Connie asked, eyes wide and full of curiosity.

" Banksie broke up with Mads."

" HE WHAT?!"

" I know!" Madisyn threw her arms up. They dropped to her side and tears welled up in her eyes for the tenth time that night.

She wiped her cheeks, looking down at her hands and seeing the mascara on them. She groaned and walked into the bathroom, fishing through one of her drawers and taking out a makeup wipe. She rubbed it around all of her face before turning the tap on and letting the water warm up. Madisyn leaned down, splashing her face before leaning back up and deciding she'd do skin care later.

" Hold up, so what happened?" Connie asked Madisyn as she jumped onto the girls bed. Madisyn got on, sitting next to Connie and Julie followed sitting on Madisyn's other side.

Julie could see the girl's hesitation and tears were near falling. She held onto Madisyn's hand and comforted, " You don't have to tell us, Mads, but we're here for you."

" I went after him once we got back. We fought and out of nowhere, he told me we should break up and we weren't meant to be together. So I reamed him out before leaving." Madisyn took a breath after her explanation, not breathing the whole time and talking at a fast pace.

" Ah, Mads." Connie frowned and wrapped an arm around her torso, side hugging her. Madisyn sniffled and leaned her head on Julie's shoulder, the dirty blonde leaning her head on top of Madisyn.

" Am I overreacting? I mean we've only been together officially for five months." Madisyn questioned. Julie's head was lifted off her's and Connie looked at her with wide eyes, shaking her head frantically.

" Absolutely not! Five months is nearly six, which is half a year. You guys went long distance and still made it through that. Couples who are in their twenties or older can't even do that." Connie assured the girl, her words making Madisyn lean her head back against the wall and close her eyes.

Julie pitched in, " You were like head over heels for him, Mads. No one would blame you for being upset. Or crying." Julie lightly nudged her at the end, Madisyn opened her eyes and looked at her, letting the tears fall onto her cheeks.

The three girls came tighter together. Connie's arm still rested around Madisyn's torso and she leaned her head onto the auburn haired girl's shoulder. Madisyn gripped onto Connie's open hand with her head leaned on Julie's shoulder. Julie wrapped her arm around Madisyn's shoulders, reaching over a bit onto Connie's. Her other hand was still tightly grasped with Madisyn's. They all sat on Madisyn's bed in silence for a while, tightening their holds on the girl's hands whenever a sniffle would come from her.

" This is a horrible time to say this but we have a game against varsity tomorrow morning." Connie spoke. " We don't expect you to go though, the team would understand too."

" Oh yeah, what did you guys do to them?"

" Oh my gosh, it was awesome!"

The rest of the night was full with laughter from the story of what the J.V. team did to varsity to get back at them.


big yikes for adisyn. adisyn? madam? like every 'ship name' (i hate the term 'ship') comes out as an actual word...

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