. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 .

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Madisyn sat with her friends at lunch yet there wasn't much chatter going on besides some harmless banter between Goldberg, Averman and Julie. Madisyn was quietly eating her mac and cheese which freaked everyone out.

Madisyn was never quiet.

" Hey Mads. Wanna come with me to grab some pudding?" Luis asked, getting up.

Seeing Madisyn was about to refuse he pulled her chair out and waited. She sighed and got up following the boy. Luis tried to pry what was wrong out of Madisyn but she shrugged it off and said she had a bad night's rest. What she didn't want to tell people was that Adam had called her last night venting about how the Ducks thought it'd be so funny about wrecking the locker room. He complained about everything in there being trashed and how if they were going to play dirty, so would he. It exhausted Madisyn to try playing on both sides.

Luis and Madisyn sat back down at the table. Everyone thought Madisyn couldn't see them as they all looked to Luis, who gave a helpless shrug, not being able to get anything out of her. Madisyn saw it though and she bit back a laugh.

" Check out the new jackets, guys." Averman laughed. They all turned to see varsity walking up to their table in brand new letterman jackets.

" Hey, congrats on the Blake game." Rick started the conversation, placing his hands on Dwayne and Charlie's backs. He moved them so they were resting on the back of their chairs.

" Yeah, right. We tied." Charlie said.

" Hey, a point's a point. We're all Warriors now. You guys proved your guts." Rick stated. The J.V. "Warriors" looked at him with small smiles or impressed looks, thinking he was being genuine. " You all set for dinner Friday?"

Madisyn laughed, drawing Rick's attention onto her. She questionably asked, " We're having dinner with you guys?"

" Well, it's an Eden Hall tradition." Rick tilted his head to the side and looked up - as if he was coming up with it on the spot or something. " Varsity got to treat the freshmen to dinner. So, round up your posse and meet us at..six at the Minnesota Club, downtown."

Charlie and Madisyn exchanged looks. His eyebrows drawn together, creating wrinkles on his forehead as he concentrated on his thoughts of if it was a joke or not. The girl had the same look on her face.

" Anybody needs a ride, we can take you. I mean, you guys do like steak and seafood, right?"

" Yeah, we do."

" Hell yeah!"

" I'm allergic to mussels."

" Well, no mussels at table nine then." Rick smiled in Madisyn's direction after hearing her statement. She scoffed at him and took a sip of her orange juice.

" Look, I don't like you pukes, alright? But this is a tradition." Cole told them, taking Rick's spot once he left with the rest of varsity trailing behind him like lost puppies. " But at Eden Hall, I learned to care about tradition."

He looked at Adam, walking away from the table. The blonde boy smiled at his old team and told them, " It's cool." 

" Oh, it's cool." Russ looked over to Ken and Madisyn, who sat next to him. The two looked back with grins, feeling more assured with their friends' encouragement.

" Let's go. If Banks says it's cool.."

" We might as well go."

Adam went to walk away from the table and Madisyn shot up, going after him. He exited the cafeteria, feeling his arm get tugged back. A smile was on his face when he saw his girlfriend but it was quick to falter when he saw the look on her face.

" You okay?" Adam asked.

Everything that had happened between them was so sudden. It all went down in a week, and the only time they talked were during those phone calls or just briefly when they were in class together. He knew it was his fault they hadn't really talked since half the varsity team would escort him everywhere he went, saying they were his friends and that's what friends do.

" You tell me." Madisyn frowned at him. Adam looked around, seeing varsity was waiting for him at the end of the hall. He grabbed onto Madisyn's arms and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

" I swear, once this dinner is done, we'll talk about everything." Adam promised her. He wasn't an idiot and he could see the doubtful look on her face. His grip on her arms tightened a little bit, not hard enough to hurt her. " Madi, I promise."

Madisyn chuckled, not from humor. It was a chuckle of hostility. " Yeah well there's been a couple promises broken lately."

" Well, this one is not going to be broken, whatsoever. Let me know what you're gonna wear and I'll match with you." Adam smiled at her, Madisyn gave a half assed one back but the pink in her cheeks told Adam everything he needed to know. With another kiss to her forehead, he released her arms and walked backwards. " I'll see you later!"

" Bye." Madisyn whispered to herself as she watched Rick clasp down on the back of Adam's neck, leaning down to say something to him with a smile. She could see Adam's shoulders shake as he laughed. 

Maybe the team wasn't killing him as much as he claimed it was. 

" So what are you gonna wear?"

It was Friday afternoon and Julie, Connie and Madisyn were all headed to the girls dorm to get ready for the night. Madisyn couldn't stop overplaying her conversation with Adam yesterday and how he promised her they'd talk. In all honesty, Madisyn didn't even know where they would begin. It'd be a whole argument of 'you did this!' and 'well you did that!'.

" Madi!" The girl was snapped back into reality from Connie shouting her name and snapping her fingers in front of the girl's face. She looked over, seeing the two confused looks on her best friend's faces. " We asked if you were wearing that dress you bought?"

" Oh yeah!" Madisyn grinned, telling them, " I was thinking about wearing that red dress I thrifted! You know the one from Cali? I haven't worn it yet and tonight would be a good occasion."

" Oh my gosh, do it! You'll look so cute!" Julie squealed, obviously excited.

They walked into their dorm room, Julie going to plug in the curling iron, knowing she would end up curling Madisyn's hair. Connie walked over to her bag she stuffed in their room that morning and unzipped it, pulling her outfit out. She had planned to wear a skirt and a dark dark blue, nearly black, blouse. Julie was wearing a jean dress that suited her super well.

Madisyn opened her closet and skimmed her jackets. Her eyes fell onto the creme sweater she had. It was a cropped v-neck sweater that could be tied at the bottom of it. She plucked it from the hanger, throwing it onto her bed. The red dress was already laying out. 

" Mads, are we doing this or not?" Julie came from the bathroom, waving her curling iron around. Madisyn went to the bathroom and pulled her hair into two halves. Julie got to work.

Connie got dressed outside of the bathroom, when she walked in Julie wolf whistled and Madisyn gasped, " Ooh! Look at Connie lookin' all gorgeous."

The brunette bashfully waved them off, sitting down on the toilet to hang out with them.


last part of this chapter screams girlhood and im so here for it 

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