part ⭐ 8

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New and In went to the bar and sat on a sofa. In ordered some alcohol, and New said, "In, I don't want any alcohol."

In responded, "Why? Nanon is big enough now; it won't affect him."

New replied, "No, it's not that reason. I just don't want to drink, and please don't force me."

In agreed, "Okay, no forcing. But you can have mango juice, right?"

New nodded, "Okay."

They enjoyed their drinks and some snacks. A girl approached them, but In intercepted her, saying, "Miss, he won't go with you. Approaching him is a waste of your time, but you can try with me."

New nudged In's leg under the table. In yelped, "Ouch! Okay, okay, I understand. Miss, both my friend and I are not available. Please go away."

The girl snapped, "If both of you are not available, why not say so first? Why be so dramatic and ridiculous?" She walked away, and In muttered, "Such a rude girl. She was the one who came here first."

New said, "It's your fault."

In shrugged, "Whatever."

At the same bar, Off had  noticed New. Off stared at New for a long time until In noticed and said, "Hey, haven't you seen a guy before? Why are you staring at my friend like that?"

New said quietly, "In, I think you're drunk. Let's go."

In protested, "No, just 10 more minutes, please."

New sighed, "Okay, 10 more minutes. I'll check my mobile."

Off continued to stare at New. New apologized, "I'm sorry for him. I think he's drunk."

Off replied, "It's okay. I was just looking at you because someone described a face to me, and it almost matches yours." New, unsure of what to say, just looked at Off. Off then said, "Oh, it might be my mistake somehow." He turned around and called Tay. Tay answered, "I'm coming in 5 minutes. I'm a bit late."

Off said, "If you want to see something, come here in 3 minutes, or it will be gone."

Tay asked, "What is it?"

Off insisted, "Don't waste time talking. Run."

Tay hung up and ran to the bar. He quickly found Off and asked, "What is it that you want me to see? I almost slipped on the floor."

New and In were already getting up to leave. Off pointed, "Look that way."

Tay looked and froze. The man he had been searching for was right in front of him. New and In were heading towards the exit. Off shook Tay from his shoulder and asked, "Tay, are you frozen or what? Did my guess turn out right?"

Tay replied, "Yes." He looked everywhere, seeing New and another man leaving. Tay ran to stand in front of New and In. New stopped and said, "What, man? Why are you suddenly standing in front of the gate?"

Tay didn't say anything, just stared at New. New repeated, "Can you step aside so I can go?"

Tay still didn’t say anything, just stared. In finally said, "Hey man, didn’t you hear what he said? Step aside. Are you drunk, or do you want me to call security?"

Off ran to Tay and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. He's a little drunk. You can go."

New glared at Tay one last time and walked past him. Tay followed New, but this time he didn’t go in front but stayed behind. New got a call and said to In, "Stand here, I need to take this call."

In asked, "Did little champ call? I want to talk to him."

New replied, "In, stay still, okay?" New took the call. His mom said, "New, Nanon is crying nonstop. I tried everything to stop him, but he still didn’t stop crying. I think he misses you." New said, "Bring the phone in front of him."

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