part ⭐ 18

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New cried as he began to share his story, "I am the youngest son in my family. Everyone loved me so much. If I ever asked them to do anything, they would do it for me. I also loved to swim; my brother taught me, and I was pretty good at it. I liked driving too, so Dad bought me a car when I was in college. My sister helped me with my homework. I loved sweets, and Dad and my brother bought them for me every day. Mom was the only one who didn't want me to eat too many sweets because I later got cavities and sometimes had stomach problems. I loved watching movies together, so on holidays, they always stayed home for me, no matter if they had work or not.

"My brother had a girlfriend back then. He loved her so much, but on her birthday, he went to her. It was a holiday, so I called him and asked him to come home, but he denied it. Then I said he didn't love me anymore, and I locked myself in the room. After an hour, my brother came back and told me to open the door, but I didn't listen. He said he broke up with her, so I opened the door and hugged him. He said he loved me more than he loved that girl, and I was so happy.

"The next day, when I went to college, his girlfriend came to me and said, 'You're this big but acting like a child. Because of your childishness, someday you will regret their unhappiness, they will leave you someday .' That day, I got really mad. I came back home, went straight to my room, and cried non-stop. That evening, there was heavy rain and lightning. My sister tried to make me open the door, but I didn't listen to her. When Dad and my brother arrived, they came to my room and asked what happened and why I locked the door again. I said, 'No one said anything. I'm just a bad son, that's all.'

"My brother said, 'No, New, our little champ, you are not bad. Who said you are bad?' Then I told him what happened in college. He got mad and wanted to go to her, but my dad said, 'No, son, don't go. There is rain outside. You can go tomorrow.' Then I opened the door and said I didn't submit my college work, and tomorrow would be the last day. My sister said, 'You didn't submit today?' I said, 'I was mad at her.'

"While crying, they comforted me and asked what I wanted. At that time, I just wanted to eat some cake and bring some books from the store to do my paper. Dad and Mom said I could go tomorrow morning, but I said I wanted cake right now, or else she was right—they didn't really love me anymore. So my brother said, 'I will deal with her later, but first let's go get your cake, sweet boy.' I became happy and asked, 'Dad, Sister, don't you two want to come?' My sister said, 'Okay, let's go together.' Dad also went with us. Only Mom stayed home.

"When we returned from the shop, a big truck—a big truck..."

New couldn't speak further. He cried non-stop. Tay didn't speak either; he wanted New to finish.

New continued through his sobs, "A big truck hit our car. After that, I don't remember anything. Mom said I had been in the hospital for three months. When I opened my eyes, I only saw Mom, not them. I asked her where Dad, my sister, and my brother were. She didn't say anything. I panicked, and the doctor had to give me a sedative. When I woke up, my brother's girlfriend was there. She said all of them died because of me. I didn't believe her. I called for Mom. She came in and said they were in the next room and that I should heal first, then I could go see them.

"But I insisted and tried to get out of bed, but I fell down. The doctor gave me medicine to calm me down. After that, I didn't talk to Mom. When I got back home, Mom told me they had left me forever, and i knew that it was all because of me." New cried miserably, "Why didn't I die with them too?"

Tay rubbed New's back gently and said, "Don't say that, New. It's not your fault.  What she told you is absolutely not right."

New insisted, "No, I am the reason. If I hadn't been stubborn that day, it wouldn't have happened. They will never forgive me."

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