part ⭐ 15

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Tay said, "Then you have to go home in time."

New replied, "Hmm, let's see when we'll finish." They headed to the restaurant where everyone was waiting. New had booked a private room with plenty of tables so everyone could sit comfortably. New announced, "Everyone, order whatever you like."

One of the employees asked, "New, can we play a game while we eat?"

New responded, "Do as you all like. Why ask me?"

Another employee chimed in, "You, sir, also have to play with us."

New hesitated, "I'm not good at playing games, so you all play."

The employees insisted, "Please, New. It's not that hard. We're playing truth or dare. If anyone chooses dare, they have to do what the winner says, and if you choose truth, you have to answer the question. If you don't want to answer, then you have to do the dare." New sighed, "Okay, do as you all like, just for today."

As they played, New lost a round, and Namton was the winner. She asked, "Mr. Thitipoom, what do you choose: truth or dare?"

New said, "Truth."

Namton smiled mischievously, "Very well then, answer me. How did you get Nanon?"

New replied, "What kind of question is that? Everyone knows how babies are made."

Namton clarified, "That's not my question. I asked how you got Nanon. Did you marry someone, or did you adopt him?"

New, uncomfortable, said, "I don't want to answer that question."

Namton said, "Hmm, I knew you wouldn't answer. Then you have to drink that full glass of alcohol."

New protested, "I don't drink alcohol. Tell me something else to do." Namton insisted, "You didn't tell the truth and you don't want to do what I say. What's the point of playing this game then?"

New was visibly upset but couldn’t refuse. He said, "Okay, I'll drink." He picked up the glass, but before he could drink, Tay held his hand and said, "He has to return home without drinking. Nanon will worry if he sees his papa drunk. I'll drink instead of him." With that, Tay drank the whole glass.

Everyone stared at Tay, surprised but said nothing. Tay asked, "Why are you all staring at me? Don't you want to play?"

They resumed the game. In another round, Tay lost, and Jack won. Jack asked, "Sir, truth or dare?"

Tay chose, "Truth."

Jack asked, "If I question you about your personal life, will you fire me?"

Tay laughed, "It's just a game. It has nothing to do with professional matters."

Jack asked, "Okay then, tell me, do you have someone you like?"

Tay answered, "Yes, I do."

Jack pressed on, "Is that person from our company?"

Tay smiled, "One question at a time, right?"

Jack nodded, "Yes."

The game continued, and Namton lost. The winner dared Namton, "I dare you to kiss our boss."

Namton was secretly delighted. Everyone stared at Tay. Tay looked at New, who remained silent. Tay said, "I just said earlier I like someone, and I won't kiss anyone else."

Namton argued, "It's just a game, sir. It's not like that person is here, so you don't have to worry."

Tay firmly replied, "It doesn't matter if that person is here or not. It doesn't matter if that person likes me or not. I love them, so I won't do this to anyone else."

Unexpected Beginnings (TayNew)Where stories live. Discover now