part ⭐ 20

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New went to Tay's office and knocked on the door. Tay told him to come in.

New said, "Sign these papers so I can submit them."

Tay replied, "Give me the papers." At that moment, Geny entered the room. New recognized her and thought, What is she doing here?

Geny said, "Hey, you’re the guy Tay was talking about that day, right?"

New nodded. "Good to meet you again," Geny said cheerfully.

"Good to meet you again too," New replied, his voice low. Tay noticed and thought, Did something happen to him? Why does he sound like that? Tay shook his head, thinking he was overanalyzing. I'll finish work quickly and talk to him later.

Tay said, "New, she's here to help me with my new project. Tell Nanon I might not have time to come home for dinner."

New said, "No problem, I'll tell him." Geny took a chair and sat close to Tay. New thought, Why does she have to sit there? Didn't she see the chair opposite?

Tay said, "New," and New replied, "Hmm?"

Tay handed him the signed papers and said, "You can go now."

New glanced at Tay once before leaving the office. In his own office, he thought, This is the first time he told me to leave his office. He never told me that before. Why do I feel so sad about it? He has to do his work, that's why he told me to leave.

Just then, Jack entered. New was startled. "Oh, Jack, can you knock first? You scared me."

Jack asked, "What were you thinking about that you got so scared?"

New replied, "Nothing, I was just doing my work."

"Really? But I didn't see your computer on, so what were you working on?" Jack asked.

New deflected, "You’re asking a lot of questions today. What are you doing here anyway?"

Jack said, "I'm here to check on you."

New joked, "What am I, the kid that you came here to check on me?"

Jack explained, "It's break time, but I didn't see you in the canteen, so I came here to see you."

New said, "Oh, let me call Nanon first. He might already be back from school."

Jack nodded. New called Nanon, who answered, "Papa, did you and Uncle come together today?"

New said, "He won't come today. He has a lot of work."

Nanon sighed, "Hmm, Uncle said we would play today."

New replied, "Didn't I say he's busy? We'll play together."

With a sad voice, Nanon said, "Okay."

New asked, "Did you eat all your tiffin and give your homework to the teacher properly?"

Nanon said, "Yes."

New said, "Okay, then rest now and after an hour later, do your homework."

Nanon replied, "Okay."

New said, "I'll hang up now." Nanon nodded, and New ended the call. Then he and Jack went to the cafeteria. New didn't see Tay there. Usually, Tay would sit with him, eat together, and talk nonstop. New sat with Jack and ate his lunch.

Jack noticed, "You seem off today. Did something happen?"

New said, "Nothing, I just don't feel good."

Jack suggested, "Then go home. Why are you still at the office?"

New dismissed, "It's not that serious. I'm okay."

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