part ⭐ 16

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In Tay's room, his mom asked, "Tell me, son, what is your problem?"

Tay hesitated before saying, "I like someone. No, I mean I love someone."

His mom nodded, "Your dad and I guessed that when you said you needed advice because we know very well that if it's office work, you're capable of handling it on your own. You don't need anyone to help you. Now, tell me the whole story."

Tay took a deep breath and said, "I love someone in the office, but I don't know how to express my feelings."

His mom smiled at Tay and say, "Send her home sometimes. If she needs help, assist her and make sure she feels special."

Tay interrupted, "Mom, what if I told you I don't like girls? I like boys. Would you be disappointed in me?"

His mom's face softened. "What are you saying? Nowadays, our government supports such relationships, and you are my son. If you like a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is your happiness. Have we ever pressured you to marry or anything?"

Tay shook his head, "No."

"Then don't think we won't support you or be disappointed. Now tell me everything," she urged.

Tay sighed in relief, "Okay, I'm telling you. I love a guy in my office. He has a son."

His mom's eyes widened. "You mean he's married? How can you—"

Tay raised his hand to stop her. "Mom, let me finish first. Don't interrupt."

She nodded, and Tay continued, "I drive him home, even bring him to the office. I send Nanon to school, and when I'm free, I bring him back too. I wanted him to be my personal assistant, but he didn't agree. However, he helps with my work, and we work together. I've been to their home to eat. Nanon, New's mom, and I talk together, but New never joins us . We only talk about work. When I try to talk about something else, he only answers with yes or no. I'm scared that if I pursue him, he'll leave the office, and I'll lose the chance to see him. He has many secrets I want to know, but I don't know how to make him tell me about his life."

His mom thought for a moment. "Maybe he loved his wife, and that's why he doesn't seem open to anyone."

Tay shook his head. "He's not married. That's one thing I know about him."

"Then how did he get his son?" she asked.

"Maybe he adopted him or something else. I don't know. But one thing I know is that New loves his son so much that he would do anything for him," Tay explained.

"Then you should love his son too. If he sees that his son loves you as much as he loves him, he might open up," his mom suggested.

Tay nodded, "Mom, this is the thing. I also love Nanon so much. The first time I held him in my arms, it felt so heartwarming, something I've never felt before. I'm so attached to him."

His mom asked, "Do you love the father more or the son?" "How could I answer that? But I can say I love them both. Nanon has such a beautiful face like his papa and is intelligent like his papa, but he talks actively like me. He also smiles like me. If you see him, you would love him as much as I do," Tay said, smiling.

"You seem really attached to them. Tay, one thing I must tell you, if he doesn't love you, what will you do? You seem really attached to them," his mom said, looking worried.

"I don't know, Mom. But one thing is for sure: without New, I will marry no one. But don't think I will be sad or anything. I will be happy for the memories we share together, the time with Nanon, New's mom, and the games we played. I can happily live with those memories," Tay replied.

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