part ⭐ 10

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At the party, everyone was already there with their families. Tay mingled with the guests, greeting everyone. He approached Jack and asked, "Mr. Jack, I've met everyone except... what's his name?"

Jack replied, "New."

Tay remembered the name very well but didn't let Jack know that he was curious about this particular person. "Hmm, New. Isn't he coming?"

Jack said, "no, but he will. They moved here today. He wanted to come alone, but his son didn't let him, so he had to bring him along. That's why he might be late."

Tay replied, "It's okay. When he arrives, let me know and enjoy the party."

Tay continued to attend to others. Off, who was also there, commented, "You gave this big party for the employees. You really are amazing."

Tay responded, "Now you know how good I am."

Off teased, "Idiot." Tay slowly said, "I want to slap you here, but I don't want to ruin your image. That's the reason I didn't do it."

Off replied, "Really? It's my respect for your image that's why I didn't beat you, idiot."

While they were arguing, New arrived in the hall with Nanon on his arm. Nanon asked, "Papa, you said you have to work, but why are there so many people here?"

New replied, "This is the reason I didn't want you to come, but you are a stubborn child of mine who doesn't listen."

Jack noticed New and his son and approached them. "New, your son is really cute. Can I hold him?"

New said, "Nanon, go to Uncle."

Nanon looked at Jack and said, "He doesn't look like an uncle."

Jack smiled and asked, "What do I look like then?"

Nanon replied, "Like Grandpa. Like Doctor Grandpa, right Papa?"

New smiled and said, "Yes, son."

Nanon insisted, "No, I want to stay with papa, or else my Papa will go away." he say to jack

New reassured him, "Nanon, I am right in front of you. I won't go anywhere."

Nanon still insisted, "I still don't want to go with anyone."

New said, "See, I told you he is the most stubborn kid I have."

Jack laughed, "He's cute."

New responded, "It looks cute to you."

Jack said, "Let's go. I will introduce you to the new boss. He is a really good guy, New."

New replied, "Really?"

Jack said, "Hmm, he threw this party just to get to know the employees better."

New said, "Good then." Jack led New and Nanon to Tay, who was now facing away from them. Jack said, "Sir, this is New Thitipoom Techaapaikul and his son, Nanon Thitipoom Techaapaikul."

Tay turned around and froze when he saw New.
New greeted, "Good evening, sir."

Tay just stood there, speechless. Off came closer to Tay, nudged him, and smiled. Nanon asked, "Can't this uncle talk, Papa?"

New whispered to his son, "Stop talking, Nanon, or we will leave immediately."

Nanon covered his mouth with his hand. Off said, "Uncle can talk. What's your name?"

Nanon asked New, "Can I tell him my name, Papa?"

New nodded, so Nanon said, "Nanon."

Off said, "Oh, what a sweet name."

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