chapter 30: Zain

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"Fuck! How?!"

"I don't know. Nyx had sensed it."

"What do you mean, "sensed?"

"She sensed the ore. Get Osedian there, and we'll get it here."

"Got it." I say to Nikki. "Well, sunshine, change of plans. You're lucky. Drink this." I say to the tied up woman and give her a goblet with tiny slithers of glass. She didn't know. Which made it fun.
Erebus was standing there in their corner watching my every move. I turn my attention back to the woman. She was brunette. With a petite body type. She was freckled.

"Why don't you dump that little devil of a witch, Zain?"

"Fuck you, and drink."

Her face looks like as though someone had rubbed her face and glued it back to that spot. Her face so screwed up. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she kept pushing her chest our trying to seduce me with her breasts. The moment she realised that I wasn't falling for her seductive tones, she had deflated like a balloon that had popped.

"Drink it, you whore." I spat at her feet. I go and untie one of her hands.
She takes the goblet and drinks. As she drinks, she winces out in pain. She doesn't realise that there are small slithers of glass and that there's also salt and hand sanitiser that I snuck into their universe and that they don't even know even it themselves. With each and every gulp or sip, she is hurting herself. The small slithers of glass are part of the pain. The salt and sanitiser will just increase that pain.

"Erebus, am I done now?" I ask him.

"No." He says gruffly.

"Rude." I say to myself. "Want the good news or the bad news?"

"Just give it me."

"Good news: We found Osedian ore. Bad news: We didn't even have to leave my universe."


"Well, Nikki said that she had basically just sense that there Osedian close by to them. Nikki told me to still get Osedian here, and they'll get it there."

"What about Nyx?"

"She's helping Nikki. I think."

"Fine. Let's go."

I walk back to the woman, and I plunge my blade into her. As I pulled back out, her eye was still on my blade.

Erebus is more baddass when Nox0666 writes him

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