Chapter 27: Nikki

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2 hours later:

I see Nyx sleeping on a chair like when you're reading those Dark romance books. I wonder if there's any morally grey in real life. I went to sit up, but a sharp stabbing pain went through my back, and to my right rib, and I collapsed back on the bad.

"Fuck!" I groan out.

Nyx stirs in her sleep but doesn't wake. She looks cute when she's sleeping. Fuck, Erebus will have my head if he found out that I said that Nyx looks cute when she's sleeping. He'll understand, I hope.
About 5 to 10 minutes go by, and I hear whispering.

"Run. Run. Run. Tap. Tap. Tap." Says the male whisper.

Huh? Run? From what?

I scream. Fuck! Why am I getting more scared? I try and get out of bed, and I succeed. I hobble over to the door, and I clench my left hand, causing my hand to burst into flames.  A male stands there beaming at me.

"Nicole Brock!" He beams at me, with his teeth bearing at me.
Fuck, he so fucking skinny. I mean, I can wrap my pinky finger around his neck, and it'll reach my thumb. God knows how he hasn't blown away by a gust of wind. He's wearing a baggy, well, not baggy a shirt, which is his size, but cause he's skinny, it looks like it's baggy. His trousers are like 10 sizes big. His aura is blue.

"Who the fuck are you?" I spat giving him the dead eyes. "And how the fuck you know my last name?"

"Who don't remember?" He says sounding hurt. "Jo Gryphon."

"Ummmm, nope. Still not ringing bells. You didn't answer my question. How. Do. You. Know. My. Last. Name?"

He leans in murder of your old friends.
My eyes widened in fear as I flash back to the time when loads of my people were killed and tortured. But that's impossible. My last name wasn't "Brock" then. It was "Braverman." Unless he's been stalking me.

"You've been stalking me, haven't you?" My voice has obvious anger and disgust.

"Well done." He claps slowly.

"You do realise that Zain will kill you!"

"I'm counting on it!"
He lunged out his hand, and I thought I was going to get choked until I felt and heard blood pouring on the floor and on me and screaming. I open my eyes and see Nyx standing there with his hand in her grasp.

"Difn't you hear?" She says calmly and coldly. "Zain will kill you."

"YOU CRAZY BITCH!" He shouts with obvious tears in his eyes. It brings joy hearing his screams and tears in his eyes.
Nyx backhands Jo, causing blood splatters on the door frame and wall behind him. She uses her other hand and tightly wraps her hand around his throat and tightens with each second. She had him off the floor about 6 feet above the floor.
Jo's face was going like a bluey-purple.


"Fine." She drops Jo, and he falls to the floor on his ankles with a crack.

"Why did you kill and torture them?" I asked, inches away from Jo's face.

"I'll never speak!" I grab Jo's tongue. "Then let's make sure you don't!"
I get a knife, and I was inches away from his tongue until he says, "Wait, wait, wait! I'll talk!"

"Fucking spill it all."

"I was told to kidnap you. He wanted you for his own gain. He wanted to kill Zain."

"Why kidnap me? What do you mean "use me for his own gain"? Why kill Zain? Who is it?!"

"You may know him of, "Diavolo," "Diabolo," "Diablo," and "Diavlo."

"No fucking shit." I spat. "Why me? Why want to kill Zain?"

"For your Chaos. He wants to kill Zain cause he knows one day he'll be stronger than him..." I punch his jaw.


"Which, Zain had to die first for Zain to be stronger."

"Why help him? Dante basically signed his card to become dead!"

"He didn't. He wanted to kill Zain ages ago."

"When he was a child."


"Finish him off."

Nyx walks over to Jo and slowly carves a rune. It glows green, and where the rune was, there's a hole. It gets bigger and bigger, and Jo screams. I see his heart, which is pumping still. First, it increased speed, and then it slowly decreased.

"Die you pathetic excuse of a human."

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