Love lost (Roach)

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Roach always had a joke ready. His quick wit and infectious laughter were well-known among the men in his unit. He had a way of lifting spirits, even in the darkest of times. But when the laughter died down and the barracks fell silent, a different Roach emerged. The one who carried a heavy heart behind that ever-present smile.

Years ago, during basic training, Roach was as funny and open as he is now, perhaps even more so. That was when he met Y/N. She was training to be a field nurse, and from the moment they met, they were inseparable. They spent every free moment together. She helped him master the theoretical aspects of their training, while he willingly became her practice subject for bandages and stitches. They were unstoppable, or so it seemed.

Their bond deepened quickly. They shared dreams and fears, making plans for a future that seemed bright and certain. But war has a way of shattering certainties. On her first mission, Y/N's convoy was attacked. She was hurt badly, both physically and mentally. When she returned, she didn't recognize Roach. The memories of their time together had been wiped away in the chaos and trauma of that fateful day.

Roach tried everything to help her remember. He brought her favorite books, shared stories of their time together, and even tried to make her laugh with the jokes she once adored. But nothing worked. Y/N's memory was a blank slate where their love had once been written.Seeing her every day, knowing she didn't remember their past, was torture. Yet, Roach never stopped loving her. He became her friend, offering support and companionship while silently mourning the love they had lost. It was a painful charade, pretending his feelings were platonic when his heart ached with longing.

Today was especially hard. Today, Y/N was getting married, but not to him. Roach watched from the sidelines, his smile firmly in place, masking the storm of emotions raging inside. He had made peace with her happiness, even if it meant sacrificing his own. As he raised a toast to the newlyweds, his eyes met hers. She smiled, a warm, genuine smile that had once been his alone.Roach's heart clenched, but he didn't falter. Instead, he lifted his glass higher, his voice steady. "To love and laughter," he said, the irony not lost on him. The room erupted in cheers, and for a brief moment, his mask slipped. He let himself feel the weight of the loss, the depth of the love that would never be returned.

Later, back in his barracks, Roach sat in the quiet, the laughter from the celebration still echoing in his mind. He pulled out a worn photograph of Y/N, taken during their training days. Her face was full of joy, and beside her, he looked the happiest he had ever been. He traced her smile with his finger, allowing himself to grieve in the solitude of his room.The world outside would continue to see the funny, light-hearted Roach. But within the walls of his barracks, he let himself be vulnerable, allowing the pain and memories to wash over him. He knew that, like every scar, this heartache would fade but never truly disappear. And so, he carried on, a smile on his face and a broken heart beneath, ready with a joke to make others laugh, even as he mourned the love he had lost.d.

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