Lifetime (Roach)

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The crackling fire cast flickering shadows across the faces of the men gathered around it. The night was calm, unusually so, as if even the war-torn world had decided to offer them a brief respite. Roach sat with his comrades, Ghost, Soap, and Gaz, their usually tense expressions softened by the warmth and the rare moment of peace. The distant sounds of the forest were the only interruptions, but even they seemed muted, respectful of the soldiers' quiet moment.

Roach absently toyed with a small velvet box in his pocket, his fingers tracing its edges. He had carried it with him for weeks now, through mud, blood, and fire, waiting for the right time. Tomorrow, they would leave for another mission, but tonight, his thoughts were far from the battlefield.

Soap noticed Roach's uncharacteristic silence and nudged him. "Oi, Roach, you've been awfully quiet. What's on your mind?"

Roach looked up, a small, almost shy smile tugging at his lips. The rough and tough soldiers could be surprisingly soft when they let their guard down, and tonight was one of those rare nights.

"I'm thinking about Y/N," Roach admitted, his voice low but steady. The mention of her name brought a knowing smile to his comrades' faces. They had all heard stories of Y/N, the woman who had somehow managed to steal the heart of one of the most resilient soldiers they knew.

Ghost leaned back against a tree, his skull mask pushed up just enough to reveal a rare, relaxed expression. "So, what's the plan then, mate? You going to pop the question?"

Roach nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yeah, I am. If we make it through." The firelight glinted off the small box as he pulled it out, opening it to reveal a simple, yet elegant ring. It wasn't much, but it was all he had been able to get in this life of constant chaos.

Gaz let out a low whistle. "That's a fine ring, mate. She's going to love it."

Soap chuckled, shaking his head. "Aye, and you've got it bad, Roach. Can't remember the last time you talked about anything other than her."

Roach laughed softly, his gaze distant as he stared into the flames. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

There was a comfortable silence as the men took in the weight of Roach's words. They all knew the risks of their line of work, knew that tomorrow wasn't guaranteed, but tonight, in this moment, hope was a rare commodity they could afford to indulge in.

Ghost's voice broke the silence, a hint of melancholy in his tone. "You know, Roach, they say in another lifetime, things might be different. What would you do if you had another chance?"

Roach looked up at Ghost, his expression contemplative. "If there's another lifetime," he began slowly, his voice almost a whisper, "I'll stand where I first saw her. I'll wait there, just to meet her again. No matter how many lifetimes it takes, I'll find her."

The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of promise and uncertainty. The fire crackled, casting brief shadows that danced across the faces of the soldiers. For a moment, they weren't in a war zone; they were just men with dreams and hopes, men who believed in love and second chances.

Soap cleared his throat, breaking the somber mood with a teasing grin. "Well, when you put it like that, Roach, I'm sure she'll say yes. And if she doesn't, you can always send Ghost to change her mind."

Ghost gave Soap a deadpan look, but there was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "I'm not much for matchmaking, Soap, but I'll make an exception for Roach."

Roach chuckled, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the fire. He pocketed the ring again, the weight of it feeling lighter now. Tomorrow was uncertain, but tonight, he was surrounded by his brothers, and in his heart, he carried the image of Y/N—the woman he would wait a thousand lifetimes for if he had to.

As the night grew darker and the fire began to die down, the men settled into a comfortable silence. They knew that in a few hours, they would be back in the fray, but for now, they allowed themselves this moment of peace, this sliver of humanity in an otherwise inhuman world.

And as Roach closed his eyes, he whispered to himself, "No matter what happens, I'll find you again, Y/N. In this lifetime or the next."

With that promise lingering in the night air, the soldiers drifted off to sleep, the fire slowly fading, leaving only the stars to watch over them.


The next day, as the sun broke through the horizon, the soldiers prepared to move out. Roach felt the familiar weight of his gear, but the ring in his pocket reminded him of what he was fighting for. They shared a few final words before heading into the unknown, each carrying their own hopes, fears, and promises.

And as they moved out, Roach found himself glancing back, just once, imagining Y/N waiting for him. He would return to her—if not in this lifetime, then in the next.

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