Feelings 1 (König)

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Y/N was making her usual rounds through the base, her boots echoing softly in the dimly lit corridors. The halls were quiet, the kind of stillness that made you feel like you were the only one around. But tonight, something felt off. A strange sensation prickled at the back of her neck, the feeling that she wasn't as alone as she thought. Someone was following her.

She glanced over her shoulder, but the shadows seemed to swallow everything behind her. No one was there. Shaking her head, she tried to ignore it, telling herself it was just her nerves playing tricks. Yet, the feeling persisted, growing stronger with every step she took.

Instinct kicked in. Y/N quickened her pace, her senses sharpening. As she approached the next corner, an idea formed. Instead of panicking, she decided to turn the tables. She slipped into the shadows of a nearby alcove, pressing her back against the cold wall, waiting.

Moments later, the sound of footsteps approached. Someone was definitely behind her, moving cautiously, as if trying to remain unnoticed. The figure rounded the corner, and Y/N struck. With quick precision, she grabbed them, twisting their arm and slamming them hard against the wall. The person let out a muffled grunt of surprise.

She was ready to interrogate her stalker when she finally looked up—only to meet the wide, startled eyes of none other than König.

Her breath hitched. His towering frame was tense against the wall, his body frozen in surprise. The mask he always wore concealed most of his face, but his eyes were wide with shock, blinking down at her.

"König?" Y/N gasped, quickly releasing her grip on him.

He straightened, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh... ja. It's me." His deep voice sounded oddly sheepish as he looked down at her, avoiding direct eye contact.

She crossed her arms, still suspicious. "Why were you following me?"

König hesitated, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of his tactical vest. "I... um..." He stammered, looking everywhere but at her. The massive soldier who could take down an entire squad was suddenly flustered and at a loss for words.

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Well? Are you going to answer?"

Before König could mumble his way through a response, Captain Price's voice cut through the tension. "What's going on here?"

Both Y/N and König turned to see Price standing a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Y/N quickly backed up, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. "Nothing, Captain. Just... a misunderstanding." She shot König one last look, then hurried down the hall, her heart pounding, leaving the two men alone.

Price shook his head, stepping closer to König, who was still staring after Y/N. "If you want her to like you back, you shouldn't follow her around like a lost puppy. That's creepy, mate."

König's head snapped toward Price, his eyes narrowing behind his mask. "I wasn't—"

Price raised a hand, cutting him off. "You were. And if you keep acting like this, she'll never see you as anything but that weirdo who hides in the shadows."

König muttered something in German under his breath, clearly embarrassed. Price clapped him on the shoulder. "Next time, just talk to her. Trust me, it's a lot less terrifying than what just happened."

König gave a quiet nod, still not entirely convinced, but knowing Price was right. He watched Y/N disappear around the corner, a quiet sigh escaping him. Maybe next time, he'd work up the courage to actually say something.

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