The Ghost of you (Soap)

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Captain "Soap" MacTavish was a soldier through and through, forged in the fires of combat and hardened by the trials of war. For years, his life was defined by duty, by missions, by battles won and lost. But everything changed the day he met Y/N.

She was unlike anyone he had ever encountered. Her smile, bright and warm, melted through his tough exterior. From that moment, something shifted within Soap. He found a new purpose beyond the battlefield. He lived for her happiness, for the moments they shared in the brief respites between missions.

Yet, tragedy, an old companion of soldiers, struck without warning. In the chaos of a mission gone awry, Soap fell in combat. As his life ebbed away, his thoughts weren't of missions or victories, but of Y/N. He couldn't forgive himself for leaving her alone in this world.

In the moments after his last breath, something extraordinary happened. Soap's spirit lingered. He made a choice—instead of crossing over to whatever awaited him beyond, he stayed behind. Invisible to the living world, he watched over Y/N. He became her unseen guardian, marveling at her strength, her beauty, and the resilience of her spirit.

Every day, Soap whispered words of love and apology to her, though she couldn't hear him. He promised to wait, to be there for her when her time came. He watched as she navigated life without him—growing older, finding happiness in fleeting moments, and enduring heartache. Through it all, he remained steadfast, a silent sentinel by her side.

As the years passed, Soap's existence as a ghost became a silent vigil over Y/N's life. He witnessed her joys and sorrows, her triumphs and struggles, all from the unseen realm where he remained tethered to her world.

The most challenging moments for Soap were when Y/N fell in love again. It was a bittersweet experience—he wanted her to be happy, yet it pained him deeply to see her with another man. The ache in his heart was a constant companion as he watched from the sidelines, unable to touch or comfort her as he longed to do. He had to remind himself constantly of his promise to stay by her side until she joined him in the afterlife.

When Y/N had her first child, Soap was there. He watched over her during labor, whispering words of encouragement that only she could feel in the depths of her soul. He rejoiced silently as she held her newborn in her arms, overwhelmed with the pure love that radiated from her.

Years later, when Y/N welcomed her second child into the world, Soap's presence was steadfast. He held her hand in spirit, offering silent support as she navigated the challenges of motherhood once more. He marveled at the bond between Y/N and her children, feeling a profound sense of pride and love for the family he had watched grow.

But it wasn't always easy. There were moments when Soap yearned to speak to Y/N, to tell her how proud he was of her strength and resilience, to comfort her in times of sorrow or uncertainty. Yet, every time he reached out with words of love and reassurance, they fell on deaf ears. Y/N couldn't hear him, couldn't feel his presence beside her.

Despite these moments of longing and heartache, Soap never faltered in his duty. He continued to watch over Y/N and her family, offering silent prayers and blessings for their happiness and well-being. He found solace in the small moments—the glint of joy in Y/N's eyes as she played with her children, the peaceful smile on her face as she slept at night.

Years passed swiftly, marked by the milestones of Y/N's life that Soap witnessed from the shadows of existence. He saw her children grow into adults, their laughter echoing through the halls of the home she had made. Soap felt a swell of pride as he watched them leave, venturing out into the world to forge their own paths. Yet, alongside her pride, he also felt the ache in Y/N's heart as her nest emptied, her arms longing to hold onto the fleeting moments of their childhood.

Through the seasons of her life, Soap stood by Y/N's side, an unseen companion bearing witness to both her joys and sorrows. He felt the sharp pang of empathy when tears glistened in her eyes upon receiving the divorce papers. Though he yearned to comfort her in those moments of despair, he remained bound by the silence that separated their worlds.

Despite the challenges of his spectral existence, Soap clung to the purpose he had chosen—to be there for Y/N, unwavering in his devotion. He lived vicariously through her experiences, sharing in her joys and sharing in her grief, all the while marveling at her resilience and strength.

In the quiet hours of the night, when Y/N's restless mind sought solace in dreams, Soap whispered words of encouragement and love into the ether, hoping against hope that some part of his essence would reach her, bringing her comfort in the depths of her subconsciousness.

Years turned into decades, yet Soap's resolve never wavered. He watched Y/N grow old gracefully, saw her wisdom deepen with the passage of time. And then, one peaceful night, as she slept soundly, Y/N's spirit stirred. Soap was there, reaching out to her. As she awoke in a place between dreams and reality, she saw him—the love of her life, her guardian unseen all these years.

With tears of joy and relief, Y/N reached for Soap's outstretched hand. Together, they walked hand in hand towards the light that beckoned them. Soap held her close, whispering once more that he loved her, that he had always been there, and that he was sorry for the pain his absence had caused.

As they crossed into the beyond together, Soap knew peace. He had fulfilled his promise—to be with Y/N until the end of her days. And now, as they ventured into eternity side by side, he knew that their love would endure beyond time itself.

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