Secrets (König)

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Y/N had always known there was something mysterious about her husband, König. When they first met years ago, his intense gaze, often hidden behind his mask, drew her in. He was a man of few words, but his presence was enough to fill the silence. They fell in love in the quiet corners of a bustling city, where they shared secrets and dreams. After years of dating, they finally married a year ago, a beautiful ceremony filled with love and laughter.

But behind the closed doors of their home, König was a soldier—his life filled with missions that demanded secrecy. He would leave for days, sometimes weeks, and she was left with nothing but a heavy silence and the worry of his safety. Although she never questioned his absences, Y/N often wondered about the darkness that lurked behind his mask.

Now, as she lay on the couch in their modest apartment, she felt an unsettling cramp in her abdomen. She dismissed it at first, attributing it to the usual discomfort of pregnancy. But as the pain intensified, she couldn't ignore it any longer.

She reached for her phone, her heart racing as she dialed the doctor's office. "I'm feeling sharp pains," she explained, her voice shaky. The doctor's calm voice soothed her, but it didn't ease her anxiety. "You should head to the hospital. You could go into labor any day now."

Panic washed over her. She tried calling König, but his phone went straight to voicemail. He'd been unreachable for hours, and the worry clawed at her chest like a beast desperate to escape.

With shaky hands, she searched her mind for an alternative. The only other number he had ever given her was that of his boss, John. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she dialed. "John? It's Y/N. I need help. König... he's not answering, and I think I'm going into labor."

John's voice was steady but urgent. "Stay calm, Y/N. I'll send someone to you. Just focus on getting to the hospital."

Minutes felt like hours as she waited. Her heart raced as she was hit with another wave of pain. She gripped the edge of the couch, trying to breathe through it. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she heard footsteps echoing in the hallway. The door burst open, and there he was—König, his figure a silhouette against the bright hospital lights, his mask still in place.

"Mein Liebling..." His voice was thick with emotion as he rushed to her side, kneeling in front of her.

"Where were you? I couldn't reach you!" she exclaimed, tears welling in her eyes.

König's expression softened beneath the mask, and he reached out to cup her face with his gloved hand. "I'm here now. That's all that matters." He glanced around, noting the disarray of the room, the hastily packed bags, and the fear etched on her face. "What did the doctor say?"

"I'm in labor. I... I don't know if I can do this without you," she confessed, her voice trembling.

He shook his head, his gaze fierce. "You're stronger than you think. We'll do this together. I promise."

As they made their way to the hospital, König's presence was a comforting anchor amidst the storm. He never left her side, holding her hand and whispering encouragement through every contraction. The pain was overwhelming, but the love and strength they shared kept her grounded.

Hours later, when their child finally entered the world, the moment felt surreal. The doctor placed the tiny, squirming bundle in her arms, and Y/N couldn't believe the love that flooded through her. König, his mask now off, stood beside her, tears glistening in his eyes.

"You did it, mein Liebling," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "You were incredible."

Y/N smiled through her exhaustion, her heart swelling with joy. "We did it together."

In that moment, all the secrets of König's life as a soldier faded away. They were just a family now, standing at the beginning of a new chapter. As they looked down at their child, Y/N realized that no matter the shadows that loomed over König's past, in this moment, they were light. 

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