Language (König)

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König was always the outsider in his unit, despite being a skilled operative. His origins marked him as different — a German soldier amidst an English-speaking team. His grasp of English was functional but basic, learned late in life solely for military communication.

In the field, following orders brought clarity. He knew his role, and his actions spoke louder than words. But off-duty, during downtime or in casual conversations, he struggled. No one bothered to bridge the language gap for him, and it left him feeling isolated.

Then Y/N joined the team. She was observant, noticing the subtle signs of König's discomfort when conversations sped past him or when he was left out. Her own experience stationed in Germany had left her with a rudimentary understanding of German, albeit broken and imperfect.

One day, finding König alone in the weapons room meticulously cleaning his gun, she decided to take a chance. Switching to German, she haltingly began a conversation. Her pronunciation was off, and her grammar stumbled, but her effort was genuine. König, startled at first, looked up with surprise visible in his eyes behind the mask.

For a moment, silence hung between them, broken only by the soft clinks of the cleaning tools. Then, a faint, almost imperceptible smile touched König's lips under the cover of his mask. It was a small gesture, but to Y/N, it spoke volumes.

Over time, their interactions in German became more frequent. Y/N persisted, improving little by little with each conversation. König, though initially reserved, gradually opened up. He shared snippets of his life back in Germany, stories of his family, and moments of camaraderie from his earlier days in the military.

Their bond grew stronger, built on the foundation of language and understanding. Y/N became his bridge to the team, translating jokes, explaining nuances, and ensuring he felt included. König, in turn, quietly supported her, offering insights into tactics and strategies that bridged their operational differences.

As they worked together seamlessly on missions, their comrades began to notice the change in König. He no longer sat in the periphery but engaged actively, his confidence visibly bolstered. Y/N's efforts had not only improved communication but had also forged a deeper connection within the team.

And though their conversations were still punctuated with grammatical errors and playful corrections, König cherished those moments. It wasn't just about language anymore; it was about acceptance and belonging. Y/N had given him more than just words — she had given him a place where he felt understood and valued.


As their friendship deepened over the months, Y/N and König found themselves not just learning each other's languages, but also sharing more personal moments. Despite their broken English and German, they communicated with a closeness that transcended linguistic imperfections.

König cherished the nights they spent together in the common rooms, talking quietly or sharing meals. Yet, there was always a barrier between them — his mask. He longed to reveal himself fully to Y/N, to show her his vulnerabilities and fears, but the fear of rejection held him back.

One evening, Y/N called him, apologizing that she was sick and couldn't meet as usual. König felt a pang of disappointment, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to do something meaningful for her. Drawing on his family's traditions, he prepared his special chicken soup recipe, the same one that had comforted him during illnesses.

Carefully packing the soup in a thermos, along with tea and water, he made his way to Y/N's room. When she opened the door, looking weary and pale, his concern deepened. He gently handed her the thermos and helped her settle back into bed, tucking her in with care.

Y/N's grateful smile warmed König's heart as he sat by her bedside, watching over her. Her vulnerability in that moment mirrored his own, and he realized how much he trusted her — enough to let her see him without the mask, both literally and metaphorically.

As they sat together in the quiet of her room, conversation flowed effortlessly. Y/N shared stories from her past, and König opened up about his hopes and fears. In that intimate space, their bond grew stronger, built on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance.

When Y/N asked him to stay the night, König hesitated for a moment before nodding. 

That night, they talked until the early hours of the morning, sharing dreams and aspirations, fears and doubts. Language was no longer a barrier; it was a bridge that connected their hearts and souls.


Standing outside Y/N's door, König's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He hadn't planned to come here; his feet seemed to have a mind of their own, drawn magnetically to her presence. As he raised his hand to knock, the door swung open, revealing Y/N standing before him.

In that moment, time seemed to slow down. Y/N's casual attire, wearing a large shirt that seemed to belong to him, and her tousled hair only added to her natural beauty in König's eyes. Her smile, warm and genuine, captured his heart once more.

"König," she greeted softly, her voice breaking the silence that hung between them. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of surprise and something more tender, met his behind his mask.

He found himself at a loss for words, caught in the intensity of his emotions. The unspoken feelings he had buried deep inside now threatened to overflow. He had never imagined allowing himself to feel this way for anyone, let alone admitting it to himself.

"Y/N," he finally managed, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I... I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just... lost in my thoughts."

A flicker of understanding crossed Y/N's face, and she stepped aside, silently inviting him in. König hesitated for a moment before entering, the weight of his unspoken emotions heavy on his shoulders. As he followed her into the room, he realized how much he wanted to share with her, how much he longed to be understood by someone who had come to mean so much to him.

They sat in the dim light of her room, a comfortable silence settling between them. Y/N poured them both a glass of water, offering one to König with a gentle smile. He took it gratefully, his gaze lingering on her face, trying to convey everything he felt through his eyes alone.

"König," Y/N began softly, breaking the silence once more. "There's something I've wanted to say to you."

He looked at her expectantly, heart pounding with both hope and fear. Could she feel the same way? Was it possible that she saw through his mask, understood the depths of his feelings?

"I... I appreciate everything you do," she continued, her voice sincere and heartfelt. "You've become such an important part of my life, more than just a teammate."

König felt a rush of relief flood through him, though he still held his breath, waiting for her to say more.

"I know we come from different worlds, speak different languages," Y/N went on, her eyes never leaving his. "But somehow, we've found a way to understand each other. And... I want you to know that I care about you deeply, König."

His heart soared at her words, a weight lifting from his chest. He couldn't hold back any longer. Slowly, he reached up and unclasped the mask that had shielded him for so long. Y/N watched in quiet awe as he revealed his face, his true self, vulnerable yet hopeful.

"I... I care about you too, Y/N," König confessed softly, his voice trembling slightly with emotion. "More than I ever thought possible."

Their eyes locked, the unspoken words between them now laid bare. In that shared moment, they understood the depth of their connection, forged through adversity and strengthened by mutual respect and affection.

As they sat together in the quiet intimacy of Y/N's room, König realized that he had found not just someone to fight alongside, but someone to live for, someone whose smile could bring him to his knees with its sheer beauty and warmth.

And as they leaned in, closing the distance between them, König knew that he had found his home, his anchor in a world that had so often felt foreign and unwelcoming.

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