Kidnapping (Roach)

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dimly lit room where John's team had gathered. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, every member acutely aware of the stakes. Y/N had been taken by the enemy, and now they were scrambling to devise a plan to get her back.

Sitting around the table, maps sprawled across its surface and eyes fixed on John, who was absorbed in a stream of information from his laptop, the silence was deafening. Roach, Ghost, and Gaz exchanged uneasy glances, their minds racing with worst-case scenarios.

Suddenly, John's phone pinged with an incoming email. He frowned, his brow furrowing as he clicked it open. The message flashed across the screen:

"We have your friend. She's not worth the trouble of starting a war. Find her in the abandoned warehouse by the old train yard."

Wide-eyed and frozen in shock, the team stared at John, whose expression had shifted from concern to disbelief. "This has to be a trick," Ghost muttered, his voice low and gravelly. "They wouldn't just let her go like that."

John's fingers hovered over the keyboard, poised to type a response. But before he could, his phone rang, jolting everyone from their reverie. The caller ID read "Unknown," making the air thick with anxiety. He answered, reluctantly putting the call on speakerphone.

"Hello?" The voice that crackled through the speaker was unmistakably Y/N's. But rather than fear or desperation, there was a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"John? You guys really need to hurry up. I'm in the middle of nowhere, and this place is sketchy as hell. Could you at least try to pick me up soon?"

There was a moment of stunned silence in the room. The tension melted away, replaced by an almost palpable relief, but it was quickly overshadowed by disbelief. The realization sank in that Y/N wasn't even bothered by her captivity; she was just irritated about being left stranded.

John chuckled, trying to hide his relief. "We thought you were in trouble!"

"Honestly? I'm more annoyed than scared. If you'd hurry, we can discuss how you're going to explain this mess to me later," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

As the call ended, Gaz finally broke the silence, shaking his head in disbelief. "She scares me," he admitted, his voice a mix of admiration and apprehension.

Roach let out a laugh, leaning back in his chair, "Me too... But I kinda like it. It's like she's got this superpower where she's more terrifying than the enemy."

Ghost smirked, crossing his arms. "You think we can just walk in there and get her? What if this is a trap?"

"Maybe, but we're not leaving her behind," John replied, determination flooding his voice. "If Y/N's stuck somewhere, she's going to find a way out, and we're going to make sure she's safe."

They quickly strategized, plotting their approach to the warehouse. As they suited up, the mood shifted from fear to camaraderie. Y/N's resilience gave them strength, reminding them that they were a team forged in fire, ready to face anything together.

The sound of boots thumping against the ground echoed in the air as they loaded into the vehicles, adrenaline coursing through their veins. As they sped toward the old train yard, the prospect of facing the unknown only fueled their resolve.

"We're coming for you, Y/N," John muttered under his breath, a fierce smile breaking through the tension. "And this time, no one's leaving you in the middle of nowhere."

With that, they sped toward the looming shadows of the warehouse, prepared to reclaim their teammate and friend.


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