Feelings (König)

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König wasn't used to these kinds of feelings. Anxiety and fear, sure. He knew those emotions well. They had been his companions for years. But this? This was different. This unfamiliar feeling made him feel vulnerable in ways that had nothing to do with combat.

He sat at the edge of the training field, hands resting on his knees, eyes trained on her. Y/N. She was a new recruit, having only joined the team a few months ago, but there was something about her that captivated him from the start.

Maybe it was the way she carried herself—confident, yet approachable. Or the way she treated everyone with the same warmth, the same easy smile. König wasn't used to that, either. He was a giant of a man, intimidating in both size and presence. People usually steered clear of him or tiptoed around his towering figure. But Y/N? She treated him like anyone else. She was kind to him, always greeted him with a smile, and that... well, that confused him.

König wasn't sure when exactly it happened, but he found himself drawn to her more and more. He sought out her presence, always finding excuses to be near her. Whether it was on missions, during training, or even in the mess hall, König would always sit a little closer, linger a little longer. He liked how she made him feel... lighter, somehow.

But there was a problem. He wasn't sure if she even noticed him beyond the typical interactions they shared. Could someone like her—bright, lively, effortlessly charming—be interested in someone like him? A man of few words, who preferred silence and shadows, more comfortable with a sniper rifle than small talk.

So, instead of acting on these feelings, König chose to observe. Always keeping an eye on her, never too far away, but never too close, either. He watched how she laughed with the others, how her face lit up when she talked about something she loved, how her brow furrowed in concentration during missions. He didn't understand these emotions, not at first. It wasn't fear, and it wasn't just admiration. It was something deeper, something that stirred uncomfortably in his chest whenever she smiled at someone else.

His heart would pound in his chest when Y/N caught him looking at her. Sometimes, she'd wave and give him that disarming smile, the one that made his stomach flutter in a way that was wholly unfamiliar. He'd nod back, trying to appear indifferent, but his mind was always racing.

"Why does she affect me like this?" he'd wonder, his thoughts in a constant spiral. No one else had ever gotten under his skin this way. It wasn't just her appearance, though he couldn't deny she was beautiful in her own unique way. It was her energy, her kindness, the way she made him feel like maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as much of a monster as he often believed.

There was one particular day during training when he found himself almost standing next to her, his eyes flickering to her every few seconds. She was practicing hand-to-hand combat with Soap, and even though Soap was faster, König couldn't help but admire how determined Y/N was. She gave everything her all. There was a moment when she stumbled, and his instincts flared up—he almost moved to help her—but before he could even take a step, she recovered, laughing it off as she got back on her feet.

"Nice one!" she had called out to him later, flashing him a grin after finishing the session. His heart did that thing again—skipped a beat, made him freeze up, unable to form a proper response. He just nodded awkwardly and looked away, feeling ridiculous.

König couldn't understand why he was acting this way. On the battlefield, he was decisive, fearless. But when it came to Y/N, he was a mess of uncertainty. How could someone so... small in comparison, have such an effect on him? He hated the feeling of being out of control, and yet, he found himself seeking it out, wanting to be near her despite the turmoil it caused inside him.

Every interaction with her was brief, almost fleeting, but he held onto them like they were precious. A smile here, a quick conversation there. He memorized the way her voice sounded when she laughed, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she was deep in thought. König wasn't sure if he'd ever have the courage to tell her how he felt, not even sure if she saw him as anything more than a teammate.

But he could stay close. That was enough... for now.

So, he continued to be in her presence, quietly watching, quietly admiring. And even though he didn't understand these feelings at first, he knew one thing for certain: he liked the way she made him feel. And maybe—just maybe—that was a start.

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