Chapter 28

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Yongsun gets frustrated it has already 4 days since the incident happened with Byul. She went to her class and she tried to be focused, as much as possible. When the head of their department announced that they'll have auditions for their school choir she gets giddy and excited. Also, Oliver is getting on her nerves and she doesn't want to be rude but she's always been on the edge for the past 4 days.

"Hey! Yongsun! Wanna grab some lunch with me?" Oliver asked she looks at him but she was really kinda busy right now with the upcoming auditions.

"I'm sorry. I can't I'm busy right now." she continues with her paperwork and ignores the guy in front of her. Oliver leaves and he went to the canteen he grabbed some sandwiches for Yongsun but when he came back she saw Yongsun eating the food inside the container, "I guess she packed some food for herself." He left the vocal teacher alone and went to the breakroom and mingle with the other teachers.

Even though Byul gave Yongsun a cold treatment she made sure that Yongsun will have a proper meal so she cooks and packs food for her. Also, Yongsun asked Byul to pick up Kyuyeon from pre-school since Yongsun accepts the assignment given to her by the vocal and music head, Byul is working from home so she has all the time for herself she cleans the house and does some house chores.

Recently She bumped into a video making a DIY coffee table, so she plans on making one so she bought all the tools and watch every video about safety and how to handle the types of machinery. She plans on making the coffee table their house has a huge backyard and it has a working area for those kinds of projects.

"I think. I'll make a dinner table." She said she searched and asked her interior designer friend to make a design for her start-up project and instantly agrees.

Byul arrives at Kyuyeon's preschool, she grabs his hand and went to her car. "Why Omma is not picking me up anymore? I don't see her often." He said while Byul fix her seatbelt. "She's busy at school. Do you miss her?" Byul asks him. "Yeah." Byul has an idea and asks her son. "Do you want to surprise her?" "Eung!" He nods his head and Byul went to a coffee shop near Yongsun's work she orders some pastries for her co-workers and a coffee and chocolate cake for Yongsun.

They arrive at Yongsun's school. "I'm looking for Yongsun Kim." She said then one of the teachers approached her. "I think I know you. You must be Byul." Byul looks at the teacher with a shocked face. "Yes. Do you know where is she?" She smiles and grabs the paper bags. "Don't page her, I got this." she said to the receptionist. "Kyunie~ Let's go." Byul follows the pretty lady. "I'm Emma by the way, I'm Sun's co-worker we work in the same department." 'Oh.' "Thanks for saving me there. By the way, I'm Moon Byuli, and this Kyuyeon." Kyuyeon smile and waves at her. "We're here." Emma opens the door and saw Yongsun on the stage with other vocal teachers, flipping papers. "Sit here. I'll ask someone to send this to her." Emma said. "Oh! please grab some for you and please give these to other teachers on stage."

Kyuyeon tugs his Mama's sleeve. "Mama? Look! Omma!" "I know~ don't shout we will wait for her to have her break." Emma asked one of the marshalls to give the coffee and cake to Yongsun, then Yongsun lifts her head she saw Byul standing because Kyuyeon wants to climb on the chair. "OKAY! 20 mins BREAK!" one of the heads said, she went down and she runs to Byul and hugs her. "Omma!" Kyuyeon wanted to be carried. "What are you doing here?" Yongsun asked and she carries Kyuyeon and the child instantly cling to her mother. "He wanted to see you, he misses you." Byul said while fixing Kyuyeon hair. "Thank you. I miss the both of you, I'm having a bad day." Yongsun said and Byul's hand instantly caresses her hair. "You'll be fine, Yong." "Yongsun!" both of them turn their heads and they saw Oliver walking towards them. "hi! I have a sandwich and coffee for you." She accepts it. "Oh! By the way, I'm Oliver Yongsun's soon-to-be boyfriend" he said to Byul and the latter wanted to laugh. "I'm MoonByul, Yongsun's Colleague 1 and friend." Byul replies. "and this is o-" MoonByul saw Yongsun shaking her head. "K-Kyunie." She looks at Kyuyeon who fell asleep in Yongsun's arms. "I guess we have to go, Yong." Yongsun pouts. "Okay." MoonByul slowly lifts Kyuyeon and she carries her out, Byul's heartaches at how Yongsun's deny their relationship in front of everyone.

When Yongsun arrives at their house she saw her son on the floor with coloring books and crayons in his hand. "Kyunie?" "Omma!" He runs to her and hugs her legs. "Where's Mama?" "In her office, she said Imo called." she walks towards Byul's office and knocks. "Byulah? can I come in?" "Wait!" Byul said behind the doors, then Byul opens the door "What's up?" she was panting and she gulps visibly, Yongsun lifts her eyebrow. "What are you doing?" Yongsun is suspicious of her. "Spill it." Byul sighed. "I want to surprise you, But I think I got busted." she opens the door and she lets Yongsun enters the room. "Omo! What are you planning?" Byul went to her desk and she opens a window on her computer. "This." "Wow! It's really nice Byulah! aw~" she kissed Byul's lips. "Omma! kiss!" Kyuyeon ran to his mothers and kissed them both, he climbs onto Byul's lap. "Milk." he said. "Okay~ someone is sleepy already." Byul carries him and Yongsun makes his milk. "Here. I'll take a shower first then let's talk." Byul gulps. 'Oh! the talk I hate those lines.' "Okay, Yong." Byul said while fixing Kyuyeon's duvet.

Yongsun takes her time to shower, and when she's done she went out looking for Byul. "Hey~" She calls Byul and she fixes her wet hair she's wearing her pajamas. "Oh! Yong I'll just fix this." She saw Byul fixing the blinds in their living room. "Done. So? What's up?" She sits on the sofa beside Yongsun. "erhm. I know you got pissed with Oliver, and I know you get suspicious about not telling everyone that I'm with you and we both raising a son." Byul just listens. "I don't like him. I do like him as a co-teacher but not as boyfriend." Byul stares at her and sighed. "I know." and she sighed again. "It's just you, allow him to send you home knowing that he's into you." Byul said. "I know and I'm sorry for that, remember we're like 30 yrs. married couple." Yongsun said then it hit Byul. "Uhmm. do you want to get m-married?" Byul asked nervously, Yongsun looks at her and smiles. "I think so? Were practically married Byul." Yongsun said. "N-No not that one, officially like on papers." 'Oh' "Uhmmm. I d-do." Byul thought about it, she stood up and went to her office and grabbed the velvet box. 'fck it.' Yongsun wraps her hair with a towel then she put some cream on her face when Byul sits beside her. "So? What did you get in your office?" Yongsun faced a small mirror while putting some cream and serum on her face, Byul take a deep breath "This."

Byul put the velvet box beside the mirror. "What's that?" still not looking at Byul then she peeks then looks at Byul. "W-What's that?" Byul takes a deep breath. "I know that we look like a 30 years married couple but I've been thinking for months already, I want us to be official. We've been through a lot of ups and downs but w-we still stick together, our firsts with Kyuyeon, and look at us now? Were still together, I've been in love with you for God knows when, I love you Yong." Byul looks at Yongsun who's sobbing and wiping her tears, she looks beautiful without makeup on. Byul loves her bare face and without a doubt, she loves everything about Yongsun, she takes a breath in. "Kim Yongsun? Will you be my Colleague 1 and number 1 cheerleader? Will You Marry me?"Byul tries to hold her tears she's really nervous, she's been very busy making a huge surprise but she felt that tonight is the perfect time to pop up the question.

"Yong?" Yongsun is just crying and then Yongsun punches Byul. "Ow!" Yongsun grabs Byul shirt and kissed her. "Yes." Byul widens her eyes and tears start to stream down her cheeks. "Yes?" "Yes!" Byul hugs her tight and pecks Yongsun's lips over and over. "Oh! wait let me put the ring!" Byul said she pick up the box and opens it. She slowly puts it on Yongsun's ring finger. "Wow! this l-looks expensive, Byulah~ how did you get this?" Yongsun looks at the shining engagement ring on her finger, it's a sapphire with an oval cut surrounded by small diamonds around it and a white band. "I bought it 3 days ago." "Let's take a photo of you and send it to our family." Byul said she get her phone and took a photo of her now-fiance, Yongsun covers half of her face with her hand with an engagement ring on it. "Looks good on you~" Byul said. "Yes! I love it!" "I think I'll take a shower now I sweated a looot!" Byul went to their bathroom and took a quick shower.


'"hmmm?" Byul hummed.

"I think I want to get married to you asap." Yongsun said Byul eyes widened.


Hi Everyone! I've been a way for the long time and I want to apologize big time! Here is a short update!

For my readers thank you for everything! 

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