chapter 37

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Now back to reality, I heard nurse Jane knocked on the door and hand my things to me. I smiled thinking about what a life I have right now, I have to be ready for whatever happen in the next few days, specially in my condition, I need to be strong for my baby while my sister is not yet here as my shield, for now aside from my parents I only have Jane and Enrico as my greatest defender. They're helping me all these days.

"Samantha, get dress now because Enrico is waiting already at the lobby. I have to go back to work, ok!" I opened the door to peeped on her;

" thank you, Nurse Jane." I whispered & winked.

"Your welcome Sam. Now I really have to go....good bye!"

Heading to the lobby, when I passed by to the nurses station I saw nurse Jane, I waved to her as my final goodbye. I glanced on the door where Jane and I just came out a while ago, I sigh thinking about what was happened inside, but I feel panic when I saw Trisha coming out from the door, rushing to the nurses station and ask for a help, then immediately I run after them hurriedly, I was just curious about what has happened.

Entering into Bob's room again. I can't hold my worries towards him, got carried away thinking about him in this stage of agony, it made myself restless.

He saw us barging in to his room, he's slowly looking at our direction. Can't hide my empathy and sadness for him, how I longed to be in his arms once again, I miss him so much. It hurts thinking that I can't even comfort him. Me and our child needed him at this moment in time.

What if I will reveal my identity to him, that I am his girlfriend and we will be having a baby soon, maybe it can help. Eyeing on him seriously. Thinking about what moves should I be done but when I heard him saying with an anxiety expression;

"Who is she, Trish?" She let Trisha glanced on the celphone screen. I got curious about what it was.

"I can't able to distinguesh who that was but I think you're hugging to a woman... hhhhmmm... she's covered with her wrist and wearing your bracelet.?" Trisha's gazed went to my direction and slowly her eyes focus on my wrist.

" you mean that bracelet belongs to me?" Bob got curious and furrowed his temple.

"Yeah!, I think so if I'm not mistaken." Trisha answered with confidence.

I am about to open my mouth to utter a words that I was the woman in the picture

..."that wrist was....mmmi.....n"

but we are distructed by a knocked and the door opened right away and I saw Dianne walk in and holding some present... my heart trembled when I stared on her wrist. She's wearing those familiar bracelet that supposed to be mine. She was stunned looking at my direction.

"Samantha! You are here also? What are you doing here in this early morning?" She asked me with a surprised expression.

"Hhhmmmm I'm..." but Trisha speak before me to catched Dianne's attention.

"Hi!'re here. Come inside."

"Hi, Trisha! They're exchanging there chick to chick kiss then she went to Bob side " hello! Anthony how are you?." She was about to give a kiss to him but I made something to distract there attention. I closed the door with a big bang and said;

"Ooppps ... I'm sorry I didn't mean to closed the door hardly." Oh thanks God the kiss was interupted. They're all eyeing on me, well I have all there attention now.

"Well I'm fine Dianne, thank you." I heard Bob's response to Dianne, she's wearing her sweetest smile. My heart felt jealous, I want to grab my bracelet from her wrist. How come it was stolen by her... she didn't even bothered to return it to me, I had it on me when I was fainted. I felt restless I need to do something for my baby's sake.
But Trisha took all my curiousity about the bracelet because she is observing me, my eyes was on Dianne's wrist. Maybe I was so transparent that she even read my worries, I went to Trisha's direction to let her view my own copy of the said picture from my gallery, to let her know that I was the one in the picture. Then Trisha made some interrogation while Bob was still stunned eyeing on Dianne's wrist.

"Dianne, I think that bracelet belongs to someone else? or maybe I'm just wrong, i'm sorry..." Trisha's first move.

Dianne take a look on her wrist...I am hoping that she will be honest to tell the truth that the said bracelet wasn't belong to her.

"Oh! You mean this one? Actually it wasn't mine but someone special gave this to me. So I need to take care of this because he said that this is very important for him."
Dianne's statement was a big lie...

"Really? I see...."

Trisha wasn't convinced even a little. I hope she won't believed her. Trisha is my only hope to win Bob over Dianne, I never imagined how selfish this woman is. My sister Ann trusted her so much but right now it was turned up side down.

"Well anyway, Dianne I want to inform you that Samantha will be my cousin's personal nurse, her duty will be round the clock so meaning from the hospital or even at home she will always be at Anthony's side, right Samantha?" Trisha wink on me secretly, oh thank God for the wonderful blessing.

"Yeah!" I nodded as an agreement. I have to go with the flow if this could be my chances to get closer with Bob once again.

"Really, Trish? That's good to know. Thank you miss Samantha." Bob in his adorable smile. Oh! How I miss him so much.

"Ok! for now let the patient rest, if you don't mind ladies? Because any moment the doctor will be around." I heard nurse Jane talking in my behind.

Now, I felt relieved. I don't care if she will think that I am lying because we both did. If she will be using the bracelet to make Bob believed about her existence will as Bob's girlfriend I have all the right to claim him because he is the father of my baby. By hook and by crook I need be on his side always.

This wouldn't be a secret anymore and I don't care .... I love him so much whatever it takes... I have to stand for what is right... I sigh rubbing on my bulging belly.


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