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"Can I ask you a question about Aisha?" I paused.
"Only if I get to ask you about your previous relationship." He said back.

"Deal." We approached a bench, which we both sat.

"How did you meet Aisha?"
"I was driving when I first saw her, she was trying to stop a bike but there was no lock, I slowed down to observe her after which I offered her a lift, we exchanged numbers and we later started dating which leads us to the present".

"So, is there any ex I should be worried about?" He asked with humor.

"I only date to pass time and catch cruise." I observed his facial expression.
"Presently you have four guys to be worried about".

"You got me speechless." He muttered.

I gave him a reassuring smile before I turned my head to look at my surroundings.

"Where do you see us in the next five years?" I asked.

"Definitely married, perhaps with a child."
"How sure are you? I'll marry you."

"Princess there is no way out, if you refuse to get married to me willing, I'll forcefully get us married, you don't get me falling for you and just let me go like a piece of rag".

He's falling for me, that's satisfying.

"Khalifa, is that your way of saying you love me?"
He gently tugged my hand.

"Princess, will you take me to be your bethroned?" He asked with a charming smile. How could I refuse that smile, and let's not forget the butterflies in my stomach.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Now I can proudly call you mine."
This man......

"Would you tell me what you call Aisha?"
"I call her darling."

"What is it, don't you like it when I call you Princess?"
"No, I was just curious, and don't you dare stop calling me Princess." I glared at him, which made him chuckle.

"I'll take note, princess."
"Let's get you home. It's getting late." We walk hand in hand to the car.

The drive back was faster than I hoped. I just wish to live the moment .

I was about to get down from the car when he stopped me.
"Princess, this is for you." He handed me a gift box, which instantly got me excited.

"Thank you." I said brightly.
"Sleep tight, princess."

"Good night." I gave him a sweet smile.

I rushed to my room and unwrapped the gift box. It's a diamond jewelry set from Louis Vuitton. I run my hands on the set. Khalifa, where have you been all my life. I kissed the diamond set before I kept on my bedside drawer, I'll show Baba tomorrow.

I was feeling really lazy to take a shower, so I changed into my nightwear and did my skincare routine.
I had this contented smile on before I slept off.

I woke up the next morning with a smile. I stretched my arms before I got down from bed. I showed Baba and Mama the gift before I got ready for my shift.

"You seem to be in a good mood today." Dr. Bashir said.
"Oh, Dr. I'm always cheerful. "

"Inform hajara that both of you will assist me in the theater in an hour."

"Oh, k doctor."
After assisting Dr. Bashir, with his surgery, I went for a break.

I called Khalifa to ask him about his journey. I was surprised that Khalifa was as open as when we were together. I thought since Aisha was with him, he'd be more formal, but he proved me wrong.

"I wish both of you a safe journey."
"Thank you Princess".

"I'll hang up now, bye." My break is over.
"Bye, take care, Princess."

After my shift, I edited my vlog video before I posted it on Instagram.

Zara's graduation is approaching, so I went to the mall to get her a gift. I came back feeling disappointed because I didn't get anything for her. Instead, I got things for myself. How ironic.
At the end of the day, I had to order online.

Thank you all for adding my book to your library. ❤️
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