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🎧 Fanfare ★ Twice

Seungmin was waiting outside of Gunil's house. Usually, by this time, the elder would already be out. But for once, he didn't seem to be ready what so ever. He realised that he would probably be waiting for quite a while.

Luckily for him, just as he was about to go to the nearest bench on the street, the door opened.

Seungmin stared at him for a couple of seconds. He furrowed his eyebrows, realising that someone was missing.

"Where's your dog?" He asked, Gunil looked around, as if he was planning on bringing his pet. He mentally face palmed when remembering.

"Vet! I forgot!" He slightly chuckled in an awkward way. Seungmin nodded and followed him down the street.

They walked in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. It was only until they turned the street corner that they realised that they should probably start talking. After all, they were meeting up to clear Seungmin's head.

"Just to get this straight, who exactly are you talking to?" Gunil asked to break the silence. Seungmin thought for a while, he knew exactly the answer, but he didn't fully feel like talking in that current moment.

"Just Hyeongjun and I?" Just the simple mention of his name made Seungmin a blushing face. Gunil noticed that but didn't say anything about it.

He nodded, Gunil thought for a while, he was thinking of every reason as to why he wasn't communicating with any of his friends.

"So, Jungsu because he called you immature, Jiseok because he kissed you and Jooyeon because he called you useless, and blamed you for everything?" He asked after making up everything in his head. Seungmin hummed as a reply.

"Pretty much, yeah" He said, Gunil looked around, he realised that Seungmin no longer wanted to discuss this subject.

He remembered what happened when his crush's name was uttered. So that was exactly what he would be talking about, not Seungmin's ideal discussion. But one that needed to take place.

"When are you confessing to Hyeongjun?" He asked, stopping in front of a shop, he looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair and glasses. Seungmin coughed for a short while, making sure he had heard him correctly.

Gunil laughed at him in a friendly way. He pulled Seungmin closer to him and dragged him away from the shop window.

"N-never" He stuttered, despite being a pretty confident person most of the time, with Hyeongjun all off that left. He was a huge mess around him.

Gunil scoffed and rolled his eyes. He found it ridiculous that Seungmin was saying that he could never confess.

"Genuinely, shut the fuck up." He said, hearing Gunil's tone like that surprised him quite a lot. But not that much at the same time. Seungmin furrowed his brows, he wasn't understanding why Gunil was in such a mood.

"Go for it! Confess to him! Be the confident guy you normally are!" Gunil shook him by the shoulder to energize him. But there was no response from Seungmin.

"I can't, I'm in love with a straight guy who will never reciprocate feelings" Gunil knew that somehow he had a point. He felt extremely bad for him, but it was something nothing could change.



Sloppy chapter today lmao sorry

-Jude out!


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