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🎧 Ring Ring ★ Rocket Punch

Since Hyeongjun was going to be away, Seungmin decided to invite Gunil over. Now, of course, usually, he would've invited his best friends — Jungsu and Jiseok of course. But due to their fight, he wasn't in the mood to talk to them at all.

Hyeongjun hadn't left yet when he arrived, but he was leaving soon though. Since Seungmin couldn't look at him for any longer, Gunil and him went up to the room.

The younger of the two looked around, and his eyes laid on something that seemed like Hyeongjun wanted to take with him; but he just left.

"He forgot his umbrella" He took it to be closer to it. The two boys looked out of the window and looked at how heavily it was raining. Seungmin felt his heart ache, the thought of Hyeongjun walking through such heavy rain and being absolutely drenched.

"Take it to him" Gunil replied, standing up and going to the door. He opened the door for Seungmin, who at first refused to go. After a bit of convincing though, he finally went downstairs and put on his shoes.

"I'll be back very soon" He said while leaving the house. He looked around the street for a couple of seconds, trying to remember where Hyeongjun was going.

He remembered the mall being mentioned by him, so he knew in which direction he should go. For some reason, despite having an umbrella, he still walked under the rain. He let the rain drops fall down in his hair and face. He didn't mind it though.

After walking for a couple of minutes of walking/running he laid eyes on a silhouette that was very reminiscent of Hyeongjun. He just went a bit closer to make sure he didn't mistake him for someone else.

"Hyeongjun-ah!" He called out, garnering the attention not only of the boy mentioned, but also one of the passerby. He realised now that he was quite loud.

The younger boy turned to face him. He looked at him for a couple of seconds. Admiring his beauty, watching the rain that landed on his nose run down, towards his lips. His hair being drenched looked really good on him. It made him slightly blush really strangely. He didn't like it, he didn't understand why he was like that.

Hyeongjun seemed to have found a way to avoid most of the rain. Mostly walking under buildings, a bit of water was on his shirt and hair. But it wasn't much, so it would dry really quickly. The rain in his hair made him really attractive.

"You forgot your umbrella" He shakily handed the folded up umbrella to Hyeongjun, who thanked him many times.

"Wait" He said while typing away on his phone. Seungmin didn't understand what he was doing, or why he had to stay there.

"Come" He said pulling on Seungmin's arm, and opening up the umbrella. He made sure the older boy wouldn't get wet, he was already wet enough.

They went all the way back towards the house. Seungmin still didn't understand anything happening. He was trying to protest, reminding Hyeongjun that he had a girlfriend, and that he currently had a date with her.

"You getting sick is more important" He replied and rushed him in the house. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds again.

Seungmin felt his heart explode when hearing that he was more important than the person Hyeongjun was romantically involved with. He followed the guitarist up the stairs and watched him grab the hairdryer.

"I-I could do it on my own Jun!" He said with a slight laugh, but he just shook his head as he plugged in the hairdryer. He turned it on and started drying his hair. He knew he was bright red as Hyeongjun was running his hand through his hair.

He turned it off once Seungmin's hair was dry enough. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds once again. The older boy was trying to find the right words to thank him, but he was completely flustered by what just happened.

"T-thanks" He finally got out, despite it being extremely easy to think of he just couldn't say the words immediately.

"It's normal, now have fun!" Hyeongjun gave him a quick pat on the head before walking away. The smile he had on his face made Seungmin's heart melt. He knew he was smiling like an idiot but he didn't care.


-Jude out!


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