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🎧 So Let's Go See The Stars ★ Boynextdoor / Magnetic ★ Illit

While Gunil and Seungmin were hanging out together at home, watching the movie, Hyeongjun was out with his girlfriend — who was indeed Tomioka Mai.

"Hi Junnie!" She exclaimed when seeing the boy arrive at their date location. She gave him a quick peck on the lips. While she had a light blush on her face, Hyeongjun didn't feel anything at all. He thought it was probably because he hadn't kissed her.

"Sorry for delaying our date" He said, she simply laughed in a friendly way, she couldn't care less about what time their date was. As long as they were going, everything was alright then.

"Don't worry, how come you were late?" She was just curious, she didn't have any malicious intent. She hadn't gotten any explanation as to why he came half an hour late.

"Seungmin was drenched, so I just had to help him dry up" He said, he realised how wrong that sounded now, saying it out loud. Helping his friend instead of going out with his girlfriend. He realised that Seungmin could've taken care of himself and he knew where everything was. Especially since Gunil was Gomez he could've gotten help from him worst case scenario.

He apologised again, Mai once again laughed in a friendly way. She thought the way Hyeongjun was apologising was quite cute.

"That's fine Junnie!" She exclaimed once again, it seemed like the nickname had been adopted by her. She looked at him for a couple of seconds, staring down at his lips.

She slightly leaned in, and instead of leaning in as well, Hyeongjun leaned back ever so slightly. He quickly backed in closer.

Mai lightly pressed her lips on his, and a haunting thought overcame Hyeongjun. He realised that he didn't have any emotion during the kiss. No feelings whatsoever, it was just another regular kiss once again. One that felt way more platonic than anything else.

"What's wrong Junnie? You look really pale." She said putting her hands around his face. Hyeongjun took a deep breath, trying to ignore the thought that could possibly be reality.

He pretended that everything was fine to reassure his girlfriend. One that he might not have for long enough. His heart felt quite heavy when realising what was happening inside his head. He looked at their interlocked hands. A feeling of guilt overcame him.

After walking around town for a couple of minutes they separated for a few minutes. Mai went to a drug store and Hyeongjun sat on the bench, he was left alone with his thoughts.

"I can't be-" He muttered, he always had a tiny voice in his head saying that he could possibly romantically like guys. But not feeling anything when kissing the girl he was pretty sure he liked seemed like some quite some confirmation.

Mai finally returned with a paper bag in her hand she took Hyeongjun by the hand and once again, they continued walking in town. They reached the outskirts after around ten minutes and decided to go to a hill.

Mai flopped down on the grass and motioned for Hyeongjun to sit next to her.

"This is nice, just you and me against the world" Mai muttered looking at the sky, the sun was peaking out from behind some clouds in a sky that was somewhat blue mixed to some grey.

Hyeongjun nodded and watched as she moved closer to him, he thought that maybe he should've done the same. He evidently decided against it.

"You must really care for Seungmin then" She asked since she had heard that name being mentioned tons during their chats. Hyeongjun had never thought that they had anything special. He always just saw it as some kind of normal thing.

"Well, he's been nice to me all year long" Hyeongjun shrugged, he didn't really understand why he always stuck around him. It was as if he was there by force, but it wasn't something he hated, in fact, he really liked the company of the older boy.

"I'm happy for you Junnie, one of my past boyfriends was really close with his best friend, yeah uh- turns out they liked each other romantically!" She said, laughing a bit to ease up the tension. "I don't have anything against the fact that he liked him, it's just that it sucks for me, I'm happy for them though, really! I've heard they're still together!" Mai continued on, it sounded like she would stop, but eventually she turned to Hyeongjun, to see if he had anything to say.

"I haven't had much luck with boyfriends, but i think this time it could last a bit longer" She said with a hopeful smile, Hyeongjun faked one back, if the thought he had earlier somehow turned out to be true then he didn't know how to feel about that. All he knew was that things wouldn't last very long.

"Do you want to go to my house?" Hyeongjun asked, Mai nodded and stood up, it started drizzling, so Hyeongjun took out the umbrella and put it above their heads.

The walk back was quiet, but comfortable. There was no need to talk, and they both understood that. It was why the only sound they heard was the rain falling on the umbrella above them.

"Oh you'll meet Seungmin then!" He realised when arriving at the door. Mai smiled and nodded, since Seungmin meant a lot to her boyfriend, then she wanted to meet him. She didn't really question why he was there, but didn't feel like asking.

They took their shoes off and looked around for a couple of seconds, they found the two boys sitting either cross legged on the floor or just above on the couch. Gunil was playing with Seungmin's hair who was just below him.

They greeted them, and introduced each other. The soft smile Seungmin had when first seeing Hyeongjun faded once he saw Mai, he had no doubt that she was a wonderful girl, but he couldn't stand her for her feelings towards him. Not that she could do anything about it.


-Jude out!


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