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She was crying so hard and she could not breath properly. She hold onto to his hand even tighter than before as if she could bring him back to life. She bent down to place a soft kiss on his firehead when she felt something poking at her side. She looked into her cloak's inner pocket and she found the small bottle her parents had given her when she was 'gone'. She couldn't remember her panrents's faces only their voices. She remembered what her father told her 

 "Use it wisely" 

 Inside the bottle was fairydust. Maybe there was a hope for him to come back. She opened it and poured some of the dust into her hand then closed it. 

 Petal looked at Fili now. She placed her hand (that was holding the fairydust) on his chest." I want him back. Bring him back to me" she whispered closing her eyes and wishing that it would work. After a few seconds she started losing hope until.... Out of sudden Fili started coughing . He then oppened his eyes and looked around then at Petal. 

 "What did you do?" he asked her breathless " You brought me back?!" he realised himself. Petal was shocked, she had tears in her eyes. 

He quickly hugged her, very very tight and after a few moments she wrapped her arms around him as well. When they pulled apart she kissed him . Her lips were soft and sweet as always , everytime she would kiss him he could feel every emotion she did, her pain , her sorrow, her love , her lust ...everything.He adored her and she did to. 

Then they heard a loud scream. 

 "I have to see what happened. Please stay here and hide" she told him softly. He shook his head abd tryed to get up but he couldn't, he was to weak. He then looked at her and nodded. She gave him a quick kiss before flying away. She got her bow ready . Petal noticed Tauriel falling down . She was beaten. Bolg was walking towards the young elf who was too weak to stand . She took an arrow out and aimed it to his head and fired. The arrow didn't effect Bolg , it made him just stare at her. 

 "Petal , help Tauriel. I will deal with him" Legolas shouted and took out his sword. She nodded at her friend and flew towards Tauriel .Bold was now fighting with Legolas and he seemed to forget about the she-elf. Petal landed and helped Tauriel up. 

 "Kili" Tauriel managed to say while trying to catch her breath. 

 "Lead me to him " she said and followed Tauriel. They finally reached Kili's lifeless body. Tauriel ran to his side , crying. He brushed his hair out of his handsome face. Petal knew excactly how she felt. She knelt next to Tauriel making her look at her. 

 "I can bring him back" she said softly to the elf and she stared at the fairy with wide-teary eyes ,nodding. Petal took out the small bottle, she oppened it and poured the dust into her small hand and placed it on Kili's chest. She closed her eyes and whispered the same she whispered to Fili. "Bring him back to me" 

 Tauriel was staring at the girl with hope, she would never thought that she would rely on someone so much but right now she did. Suddenly , Kili opened his eyes . He stared up at Petal smiling. He then looked at Tauriel mesmerized. Petal got up and flew away.


Petal sat with Fili on some rocks, as horns were heard. Azog was dead. Thorin was dead . The war was over . All of them were quite but they were still together . 

Fili wrapped his arms around Petal while placing a small kiss on her hair. Tauriel was gone , she kissed Kili good-bye and left.


 "There is to be a great feast tonight. Songs will be sang, tales will be told. Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend" Balin said to Bilbo while escorting him to the gates. 

 Bilbo gave him a sad smile. 

"Well, I think I will slip quietly so tell the others I said goodbye" Bilbo said staring at the ground ."You can tell them yourself." Balin said to him before he could walk away. Bilbo turned around to find the dawrves and fairy standing there. Bilbo smiled and walked towards them."If any of you is ever passing Bagg End, u-uh tea is at four. There's plenty of it. You are welcome every time. Not bother knocking" he said to them with a smile and everyone let a laugh.

He looked at Petal with soft smile that mirrored her's . She walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. 

 "Goodbye , my friend" She said to him as she pulled away. 

 "Farewell , Petal" he said softly giving her a warm smile before walking away.    

A/N:  Oh my god! I finally updated. :) I have one or two more chapters and we are done :)

Please tell me what you think :) 

Love you all. -Erifili

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