A Lovely Guest

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There was a knock on her door. It was an hour after noon and she just came back from her training. 

''Come in'' Said Petal in a sweet voice, placing her bow under her bed. 

''Hello dear , how did your training go?'' asked her father ,Lord Elrond ,in elvish, as he walked closer to his daughter , embracing her with a kind hug carefull not to hurt her fragile wings.

''It was fine... '' Petal said moving her wings casualy. She could speak the elvish fluently at this point.

''Someone is here and wants to see you! '' He said placing a strand of stray hair behind her war.

''Who ?'' Petal asked curiously, taking a step back to look up at the older elf.

''Remember some stories that I used to tell you about a wizard named Gadalf? '' 

''Yes, I did love the one with the fireworks! '' Petal spoke happily, with a smile, earning a chuckle from her father at her childlike manner.

''Yes , that one! But please don't tell him that this is the only thing you remember about him .'' the elf sighed, knowing his friend too well.

''As you wish, my lord." Petal chuckled.

''Now, I will let you get ready. '' he said to his daughter giving her a kiss on her forehead and left the room. 

Petal took her clothes off and step into the bathtub letting the water calm her nerves and relax her wings.

The time passed and Petal was almost ready . She walked to her closet, it was a large kind of furniture, made of wood and painted white. She opened the door and gazed upon the many dresses she had in thought, finally deciding to wear a long, flowy white gown.

Since she was rather small she wore  short dresses but this dress was a gift from her father and it was quite dear to her.

''Hello dear'' Lord Elrond greeted her once she stood by his side , making the man that was sitting to the chair accross from his, stand up, revealing his height.

''And you must be Petal'' The man said . Petal smiled , with a nod '' At your service''.

The man towered over the small fairy, with long white hair and a matching beard that at some point for tangled with each other. He had thick brows, and wrinkles that could speak of years of adventures and experiences.
Adventures that Petal could only read books about.

''I'm Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey'' The old wizard introduced himself with a small bow of respect and a smile, partly hidden behind his bushy mustache.

''Father told me you wish to speak with me about something. Is something that I can assist you with?''
Petal curiously asked, taking a sit next to her father.

''Indeed, there is something that you can be most helpful, if you agree to it, of course. '' Gandalf said nicely before he turned to Lord Elrond. ''My friend can I have the premision to speak alone with Lady Petal?' He asked him.

''If I must l, I will excuse myself.'' said Lord Elrond bowing before stepping away.

''Now that we are alone , let's begin!" the Grey wizard spoke, lighting a wooden pipe almost as large as Petal's forearm. The young woman stood amazed  when he made it appear from his large sleeve.
"I am helping a team of dawrfs to take their homeland back from a Dragon  named Smaug." he let out a large puff of smoke, the smoke taking the shape of great mountains, followed by another puff shaped like a dragon.

"Your Father spoke greatly of your arching skills. Would you consider to taking part in this adventure?'' said Gandalf to the young girl rather seriously. A smile grew on Petal's face, the girl always wanted to go on an andventure on her own, tired of only reading and listening of tales from others.

''I'm in! '' The girl said with excitement.

''But you have to know that it will not be easy! It will be a long trip, filled with dangers." his gaze was unforgiving.

The wizard was aware that she was young, that her heart ached for adventure, but he had to be certain that she knew fully well what she was getting herself into.

That her life would be on the line.

"One more thing!"

''And what would that be?'' Asked Petal, furrowing her brows in confusion.

''It's essential that your wings stay hidden.'' said The wizzars quitly. 

"Essential how?''

''I know it's hard but you need to do it.''He spoke, grabbing his big grey hay, that was placed on the table, close to his arm.

''Does anyone know of me ? Of what I am? '' The girl asked once again trying to understand. 

''Only the leader of the company. Thorin Oakenshield''

Young Petal took a deep breath, letting everything sink in.

''Alright I'll do it! When are we leaving ?''

''Tommorow at sunrise. We have to meet the others at a small house at the Shire'' The wizzard said handing a contract to the girl .

''I suggest you read this carefully and I hope to see you at sunrise! '' he gave her shoulder a firm squeeze and with a smile he walked away.

''So you will go?'' Elrond asked solemly his daughter once he stepped close to her

The girl nodded, focusing on the contract in her small hands .

''I would like you to have this'' he spoke sofly, making her look at him. He showed her a sword that he was hiding behind his back.

''What is this?''

''It was my first sword. My father gave it to me eons ago and now it is its' time to be given to you. '' He handed her the sword, it was long and thin and lighter that she thought it would be. It was beautifully crafted from white Steel, with elvish prayers engraved along the sword's body.

''I'm truly honored,father.'' Said Petal, voice breaking as she embraced him.

''Now, your horse will be ready  right before dawn and I will have some responsibilities so I won't be able to be there for farewell.. '' He said rubbing his daughter's back feeling her nod. He pulled away and placed his hands on his daughters stained with tears cheeks. 

''May the stars watch over you. '' He said in elvish before he give his daughter a goodnight and good-bye kiss on her forehead.

A/N : Please comment and like :) <3


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