The End

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''Quick lay him somewhere'' said Petal as she took her coat off putting it under Kili's head as a pillow, as he layed him on a bed.

Petal sat on a small chair next to Kili . She placed one hand on Kili's forehead he had fever.

''can someone bring me some cold water ,quick please.'' she said and Bofur came quick with plate-cup with water and a peace of clothing , and handed them to her. Fili rushed to his brother side opposite Petal . Kili was trying to contain his pain.

Petal sinked the peace of clothing into the cold water, then placing it on Kili's forehead trying to low down his fever.

''can't you do something?'' Fili asked Oin worried.

''Ι need herbs. Something to low down his fever'' he explained

''I have chive , feverfew'' Bard said as he opened some packs with herms

''That have no use to me do you have any kingsfoil ?'' asked Oin

''No it's a weed we feed it to the pigs '' Bard explained.

''Pigs? Weed ? Right !'' Bofur thought outloud. ''Don't move'' he said to Kili .

Kili started squiling again.

''Shhh calm down , Kili '' Petal whispered at her friend . With one hand placing the clothing on his forehead the other rubbing his arm to calm him down .

''Please put some hot water on Kili's wound so it won't get infected , Oin'' she said as she looked into Fili's eyes that were already looking at her.

The ground shaked beneath their feet.

''was that an earthquake?'' asked Petal terrified . Fili got up .

''No Petal , that was the dragon'' he said to her, giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead.

''Da?'' asked the young girl , as the boy looked out of the window.

''It's coming from the mountain'' the boy said to his father.

''You need to leave us. Take your children and get out of here .

''And go where? There is no place to go'' Bard said sadly

''Are we going to die da?'' asked the younger girl asked her dad scared. Petal looked at the girl shocked .

Bard looked at his daughter, and shook his head.

''No darling'' he said to her softly.

''The dragon is going to kill us'' The girl continued

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