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"Petal , I need you to breath and push" The healer instracted Petal. She was trying to keep herself from screaming as she held Fili's hand with force.

Fili was at her side , encouraging her to keep going .
"Come on , my love. A couple pushes and it's here" he kept saying every now and then .
The only thing Petal could do is focus on his soft voice , trying in the same time deal with the pain but she knew that it was worth it.

"One more push should do it " said the healer.
Petal glanced at Fili, staring into those soft blue eyes gave her the comfort and the strength she needed.
A baby's cry filled the room making Petal's heart beat faster as she tryed to catch her breath. Her body was exhausted and her back ached but she was proud of herself and Fili.

The healer took the baby and cleaned it a but , before he wrapped it in a towel and have it to Petal.

"Congratulations, he's a healthy baby!" he said with a smile and left the room , leaving them three alone.

Fili was speechless , after nine agonizing months his baby finally came to the word. His and Petal's creation made with love.

Petal looked up at him with sparkling eyes. "He's beautiful " she said with a sweet smile.
Fili stared down at his baby boy with addoration . He was beautiful .

He had a few golden locks framing his pale face . He had long brown eyelashes and pink lips. He had stopped crying and was fairly calm.

Fili leaned down gave Petal a soft kiss on the lips. The exact moment they pulled away , their baby boy opened his eyes and Petal's heart stopped for a second .

He had the most beautiful eyes . Deep blue , just like his father's , and Petal wondered if that was the reason she loved them so much.

"I love you" Petal said to her son giving him a kiss on the forehead .She turned to Fili and saw him staring down at the pair with teary eyes full of love. Petal smiled at him.

"Do you want to hold him ?" she asked not really waiting for an answer as he reached the boy to him.

The expression on his face was one of pure terror. Something Petal found quite ironic , he could fight orcs and dragons and yet he was scared of holding his baby.

She gave it to him anyway . Fili took him very carefully in his arms.

"He is so small" Fili said as he stared down at him. A few tears escaped his eyes and Petal sat up running her hand in his golden hair softly. "He is perfect" Fili said as he sobbed and looked at her . Petal's heart swelled with love at the sight .

He wrapped his arm , the one that was free , around her and carefully pulled her close to his chest .

"How do you want to name him" He asked once he calmed down and gave the baby back to her.

"I was thinking 'Ilios' (means:Sun in Greek).Or something else" Petal offered.

"No , Ilios is perfect" Fili said rather quickly making her smile once again.

Exhaustion got the best of her. And Fili could see it crystal clear. He took Ilios from her.

"You should rest" he said as he pushed her softly down to the bed and giving her a kiss on her cheek.

Petal heard Fili walk into their room from where she was laying. As Fili went to cover her she grabbed his hands in hers.

"You should be sleeping" he told her softly sitting at the side of the bed.

"You too" she stated back. Fili let out a sigh.
"You need to get more than four hours of sleep" she said sternly. "He is going to be fine"

It's been four months since Ilios was born and the last few days he had caught a bug , but nothing serious according to the healers.
Ilios was a well behaved baby , he barely cried at night.

He undressed himself and joined Petal underneath the covers , pulling her close to him. Petal went to give him a kiss on the cheek but he turned his head capturing her lips with his as he deepened the kiss. He pulled her quite easily on top of him not breaking the contact . He pushed his hips against hers.

"Okay, but then you get to sleep" she said with a smile .

They spent the night entangled in each others arms.

A/n : hey guys that was it. Again Thank you for reading and voting for this story .Feedback is always welcome , tell me what gmyou really think about this story.

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