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"You're safe, baby girl. I'm here, you're safe." Mercedes soothed a tired and emotional Hayley while holding her close in her nursery. They were back home in Davenport, Iowa after Monday Night Raw the following week.

Hayley was tired after traveling all over with them over the last few weeks. Colby was preparing to run some errands and stop by the grocery store for things they'd need while they were home. Mercedes was holding Hayley and helping get her settled for a nap before Colby would leave.

"Hey, she almost asleep?" Colby asked as he quietly walked into his two year old daughter's room.

"Mhm, I think she's just overly tired. We've just been snuggling and she's almost out." Mercedes said as Colby came over to kiss the top of Hayley's head and to kiss his fiancée.

"Good. I'm gonna run some errands and stop by the store. Be back in an hour or so." He said as they let go of their kiss and turned on Hayley's white noise machine.

"Love you." Mercedes said as Colby was quietly walking out of the bedroom.

"Love you too, baby." He grinned at his lover and headed out to run his errands.

Mercedes got Hayley to sleep shortly after Colby left. She took advantage of the quiet time to relax and get caught up on laundry so she and Colby would have clean wrestling gear, especially for their upcoming European tour that would be happening in the next ten days. While she did that, Colby was out and received some appalling text messages from Hayley's mother.

Natalie: I don't want to see Hayley at all!! You got engaged to a new woman. Go play house with her.

Colby had to bite his tongue on that one. Natalie was pissed and jealous that Mercedes and him were engaged, pulling the same stunt she did when the two announced they were together. He shook his head, knowing he would be in for a long battle against the latter.

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