Chapter 8

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It seemed like just yesterday that we had met One Direction, yet it has been a week. Exactly a week. I was on my way to pick up Lenna to go to the hidden location near the beach. We had to get there at eight am, so I was picking her up at seven. The boys would be there earlier just in case we were earlier. I knew that we would probably not be able to see them once everything was in order, but I was still hoping to glance at them. Especially after getting to know Liam for the past week.

I can't believe this is actually happening! This was amazing! This doesn't happen to two everyday girls.

I pulled up to Lenna's house. Seeing she wasn't outside, I decided to go in. Pulling my keys out of the car and grabbing my phone, I scampered over to her door. I knew where she hid the key, so I slipped it out of its hiding spot and opened the door and closed it behind me locking the door.

All the lights in the house were on. Oh Lenna. I slipped up to her room to find her at her mirror still looking at herself, the instructed minimal made up face. She was frowning for the first time in forever. Seeing her smile not on my face, I frowned. She must be really upset. I knew by her uncommon face what she was thinking, but I couldn't tell what made her feel that way. She felt -- insecure... worried.

"Lenna. We have to go. We will talk about it in the car," I wasn't good at comforting, but I knew we needed to be on our way.

"I was thinking about it. Maybe you should go... without me." She was looking down unable to look at herself. It hurt to see her like this. She always smiled. I couldn't remember a time she wasn't strong. The pain became too unbearable. I moved into her room, away from her doorway. I was about to speak when I saw tears on her cheeks.

"Lenna..." She was my rock, and right now, my rock was crumbling, and I couldn't help. After everything, I couldn't help her. I tried to start again. "Lenna... You realize you are beautiful inside and out." She didn't respond. I could feel my ground shifting, preparing itself to fall and cave in. "Lenna! Look at me!" She jerked her head up. The light captured her watering eyes in a way that made my heart break. "Tell me you realize that."

She looked down, and I knew my answer. Before I could do any reasoning to try to make her see differently, she said, "I was at the supermarket with my mom. This girl ran up to me all smiling." Lenna started smiling. No matter all those stupid rumors people spread about her last year, she still had a huge heart. I could tell where this story was leading somehow. "And her mom just watched smiling. And then she asked me, 'Where did your hair go?' I told her about my cancer knowing the mom was right there." She gave herself a second to compose herself. How did she not see the strength I saw? "And then she asked, 'Oh. Well then how long do you have?' Her mom pulled her away, but I knew what she meant. It made me realize... What if this is it? I know everyone says I'm strong and beautiful, but it's been a long time coming and --" She was starting to choke up.

I rushed to her and hugged her. She began sobbing. I never saw this side of Lenna. My rock. Crying and feeling broken. I pulled back to see her cries had only picked up. "Lenna. Don't speak like that. Do you want to know why people say those compliments about how strong and beautiful you are? Because you are. You show everyone how it looks like to be strong and how hair or not, you are better than others. Your hair maybe gone, but you're still you! You are still that strong girl I know and love. The fact it's taken you such a long time for this conversation proves you will beat this. Everything will get better. It's just a small bump in the road we will get over together Lenna."

I could tell Lenna was processing my words, and it might take a long time for them to reach her, but every second of it was true. She gave a weak smile and breathed a deep breath. "Let's go."

She stood up and stood in the doorway. "You coming?" The smile was on her face, weak or not. I got back up and took her hand letting her know everything was going to be fine.



Hey guys! I put in this chapter to show not only their relationship as friends but how Lenna is as a person. Writing this gave me so many emotions knowing people with cancer and just insecurities in general. Remember, you are beautiful and keep your head up!

Over and out!

~ Morgan

Pink Ribbon (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now