Chapter 17

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~~~ Sophia ~~~

I sat in the car with Luke sitting in his driver's seat. It was my first day of work as an intern. I was excited and happy to be able to do something related to my future goals for myself. My hand was in his as he disregarded my sweaty palms as he pulled out in front of the building, and we sat in the car. I am not supposed to be at work for another fifteen minutes.

A soft giggle escaped his lips after looking at me. "Why are you so worried Soph? You'll do amazing as always, babe." He kissed my temple lightly. He wasn't going to be there for me once I clocked in. Luke sat leaning near me as I looked out the window.

"Worried? Who said I was worried? I am feeling great," I said trying to sound as confident as I wanted to be.

"Well, whether you are worried or not, you'll do great, Soph," he said kissing me softly on the lips.

Luke. Lenna was not happy about that one. I have only had two boyfriends in my life, so it was an unspeakable time when Lenna didn't like my boyfriend. However, she did instantly turn on Luke. She was hoping for the impossible with high expectations. She has her own love life, and I have mine. Luke was turning out to be a great boyfriend since we got together, so why ruin that on some crazy conspiracies?

"I should probably go in earlier for a tour or something," I suggested reluctantly.

Immediately, a look of sadness crossed his face. I smiled at the unwillingly performed gesture. I opened the door, and with a quick kiss, I was heading towards the doors of possibly the best opportunity of the summer.


I was assigned to the modelling assistant first, but I was still in training, so it was basically everyone around me was in 'don't touch anything' mode. I was standing behind an assistant trying to pick up even the smallest of details. Girls and some guys rushed over one by one while others prepared themselves for their shot.


At the end of the day, I got a good job be here Wednesday, and I left. I turned on my phone, which was off for work hours. Five texts came in: one from Liam, and two from Lenna and Luke each. I read Liam's since it came to my phone first

Hey Soph! How was your first day? Hang out later?? :)


I tapped Luke's messages to see the messages say:

So... How did your first day go? I am picking you up for our one week anniversary at 8;00! Be ready! ;)

I texted Liam saying it was good, and scheduled a hang out tomorrow with him, and then I sent Luke the same thing only changing the last line into a flirty 'see you then ;).' I decided to ignore Lenna temporarily and get back to her later.

My mom picked me up since she got off work early for the first time in a few months. She drove us to the house in small chitchat letting her know of my plans for tonight and then explaining tomorrow's plans. "Sounds like fun. Don't get pregnant," she joked. We both laughed at her humor.

I put my hair into a french braid and decided to wear a dress unsure of his plans. I touched up my eyeliner, and brushed my teeth again, and with that, I was ready fifteen minutes early. My mom was watching a movie on the couch when I walked in and sat next to her. It was in the middle of the movie, and I was completely lost. We watched the movie quietly until Luke called me. "I'm going to go out mom. I'll be back in a few hours." She nodded, and I went to Luke waiting in his car.

He rolled down his window as I approached. "Hey beautiful," he said leaning in. I gave him a quick peck and jogged to the other side of the car and hopped in. "Tonight's going to be fun," he said in a tone that shouted 'ask me why.'

"Why? Where are we going?" I gave him his questions he wanted asked.

"You'll see in a few minutes."


After twenty minutes of driving and questions, we arrived in the middle of a clearing with trees around it. I didn't know there was any open in Southern California where you just drive to it and park, but there we were.

He got out and opened my door while I stepped out. He shut the door behind me and took my hand. With his other, he gestured out to our surroundings. "Happy one week anniversary."

I took that time to look around at how creepy, yet calming, the area we were in was. He whispered in my ear, "Look up, Soph."

I looked up and you could see every star in the sky. There was no harsh city lights to scare away the glow of the stars. I was at lost for words. I looked all over the sky knowing the second we left, I would never see anything like this again.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Luke smiling at me. "What?" I questioned.

"I found this place years ago, and I thought I would never see anything more beautiful than this place," Luke said getting closer, so he was now right in front of my face testing me. His arms held me closer to him. My arms encircled his neck silently begging him to kiss me. "That was until I met you."

I was the weaker one bringing my lips up to his. He kissed back immediately, and our breathing hitched as we continued kissing. He broke away first and picked my up in a way I was straddling him. I kissed his neck before he set me down on the hood of his car. Our lips met again, and he kept his hands at my thighs, and I continued to have my arms around his neck. We stayed kissing with our bodies pressed together until I realized where we were.

I pulled away first and lied down on his car looking at the stars. He smiled and climbed onto his hood next to me, putting his arm around me. I kissed his jaw as we both just stayed in the moment we had.


Luke and I fell asleep, so at two am I got home to see my mom had gotten to bed with a note.


No grandchildren! I am going to sleep. I have work tomorrow. Don't stay out so late!



I laughed at the continued joke my mom said and went to sleep knowing in a few hours, I would have to wake up to get ready for my day with Liam.

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