Chapter 34

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So I was listening to two songs while writing this, and they match nicely to this chapter, so I figured I'd put them in the beginning for those who wanted to hear them :). Well the first one is of course by One Direction. Story of My Life is the first one, and Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low is the second one. I'm sure you guys have heard Story of My Life, but if you haven't heard Somewhere in Neverland, it's a really good song! :)

I waited in my car for about twenty minutes wallowing in self-pity and worry. Lenna. I can't imagine life without her for even a month. If she--.

A familiar car pulled up next to me. Immediately recognizing it as Liam's rental, I gave my eyes a look over to check for red, glossy eyes. I got into Liam's car and concentrated my line of vision out the window. "What's wrong? What happened?" I looked at Liam, and his concerned face stared into mine. After a few sharp breaths, I explained everything that occurred, and I started sobbing and no matter how much I willed myself to stop, I couldn't, so after a while I just let my tears flow freely. He started to drive, and even though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell he was searching for something to say. I didn't want to be comforted though. I wanted Lenna.

"You don't have to try to comfort me. I just a distraction for the time being," I interrupting Liam's thought process.

Liam sighed before responding. "Sophia, you have to talk about this sometime. Sophia, I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but--"

"God Liam! You sound like she's already gone! I am leaving for college in three days; I haven't packed most of my things, and now I found out I'm moving away from my best friend that has one year max!" I sat back in the seat realizing when I yelled at Liam, I sat up and looked at him. I let my words sink in and moved my head so I was looking straight ahead.

Liam pulled over to which I was ready to start criticizing when he screamed back, "You know what Sophia? I'm done! I pick you up, and I don't even receive a simple thank you! You're too busy thinking about yourself! 'I just need a distraction?' You are making this all about yourself! Lenna is in a hospital bed while you're giving into self-pity! Why don't you, I don't know, stay with Lenna? You said so yourself you two don't have long together, but here you are. Why not be with her? So you can beat yourself up for something you have no control over? Come on, Sophia. You're smarter than that."

"Don't you think I would be with her if I thought I could handle my best friend dying while I just watch patiently from the sidelines?" I screamed back at him. The tears had not stopped falling since I told him my personal story. I couldn't even determine whether the tears were from Lenna's looming condition or Liam screaming at me. 

"And do you think Lenna will be able to get through this without her best friend?" Without another word, he pulled out into traffic and continued toward my house. "Look. I'm not saying you shouldn't be sad. I'm saying she needs you right now. You can't leave her alone to mope. Not now when she needs you most. Just," he pulled over to the curb of my house, and I opened the door peering back at Liam.  "Think about it."

I gave him a nod and headed back to my house. Once I got to my room, I didn't know what to do. My car was still in the parking lot of the hospital, so even if I could muster up the courage and strength to be Lenna's rock, I couldn't. I was stuck in my house with nothing but dicontempt.


Two days had passed, and tomorrow is the day of the big move. My biggest milestone was staring me right in the face. Tomorrow is the day I say goodbye to my past in exchange for my future. I obviously never did turn in my paperwork for STAR, so I would have to find a job out there. Tomorrow is also the day I say goodbye to Lenna. Right now? Right now my car sat out front as I sat at Lenna's bedside in her house.

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