Chapter 22

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I was seated in Liam's car with his hand entwined in mine. I had just called Lenna's mom, and she insisted that she'll call me back when Lenna is awake since she just fell asleep. She had sounded tired and a lot older for her age. I reluctantly agreed to her terms. 

"So are we going to Lenna's house for a bit?" he asked genuinely concerned. 

"She's sleeping." I let out a heavy sigh as Liam squeezed my hand in reassurance. Normally I would start smiling, but Lenna was really starting to worry me.

Liam opened his mouth, but he closed and reopened his mouth before finally words to speak. "She's going to be okay, Sophia. I know she is. If Lenna taught me anything it's never underestimate her."

I nodded, and he squeezed my hand again. The tires pulled up to my curb, and I realized how happy I was to be home and in a familiar place. I knew my mom wasn't home, but for now, I would be fine with just the house. 

Liam detached his warm hand from mine, and I felt cold. I wanted to hold his hand again and never let go. Since when did I start getting so attached to Liam? He ventured out of the car to open mine before I could process he was out of the car.

"You should relax a little bit before we bring in the bags. How was the flight?" Liam logically said. I agreed, and I bag-free walked with my arm linked with Liam's to the front door. I got out the key using the three-step transitions, and I put the keys back in their spots. With the front door unlocked. I walked in first with Liam shortly behind me. He closed the door as the lights turned on, and I surprising looked around as people popped out of their hiding spots yelling, "Welcome back Sophia!" It was only the few people I care about: One Direction, Lenna, Lenna's mom, and my mom. 

Lenna ran into my arms, and I hugged her with as much strength I could without squishing her. I could hear my mom conversing with Lenna's mom saying how the bet turned out. I guess one bet on me going to Lenna first while the other voted on Liam. 

"How was your appointment? Are you okay?" I asked Lenna not letting her go.

"I have it after this. Fingers crossed." I pried myself away from her aware of everyone waiting for us to finish. "This conversation isn't over Sophia!" she said cheerfully. My Lenna was back.

She walked back to Harry of course, and I moved to hug my mom. She was surprised and tense, but I continued. "I missed you mom!" 

"What did you break over there?" she questioned suspicious.

I gave a laugh and replied with a simple nothing yet. I hugged Lenna's mom, and she whispered in my ear surprisingly to me. "I need to talk to you before Lenna and I leave. It's important." I pulled back and nodded at her cautiously. She gave me a weak smile and shoo'ed me off with her hand. 

I walked over to Liam finally and threw my arm around his neck. He hugged me back with a slight squeeze. It seems I needed a lot more reassurance than I thought. I realized how fast my heart was beating, and I pulled out of our hug with my arms still fixed around his neck. "Who planned this?" I questioned. It was bothering me for a while, but I knew I could ask Liam for certain.

"Lenna and I did. Well, mostly Lenna to a point, but she got sick, so I had to work at that point." I laughed and kissed Liam. I wasn't sure of the title of our relationship we shared, but it felt right, and that's all I needed.

Lenna gave a long aw, and I pulled away suddenly embarrassed. Lenna shoved her cup in Harry's hand before squealing and coming over to us. "I knew it! Harry and I deserve an award! I saw the pictures, but it's always so much cuter in person! Lophia!" I could feel a blush on my cheeks, and Lenna caught on. "Aw! Don't blush Sophia! Okay! Wow! You're blushing more! I'm leaving!"

 She scurried back over to the rest of One Direction except Liam. They were laughing, and I looked down at the ground pretty sure my cheeks were inventing a new shade of red. Liam was lightly chuckling too as he kissed my forehead.

The doorbell behind us rang, and I immediately sprang from my trance. "I'll get it." I volunteered reaching for the door. Liam walked over to his band mates and Lenna. On the other side of the door was Luke. One half of me wanted to shut the door in his face for no reason while the other half of me wanted to apologize to him for everything. "I'll be back in five minutes," I said slipping out of the house.

"Sorry I'm late. I just wanted to talk to you," Luke said sitting on my grass. I looked back at the closed door before seating myself on the grass next to him.

I took the opportunity to speak first. "I guess I should start by saying sorry again even if you don't want to hear it. I should have been honest about my feelings. I tried convincing myself that I liked you, but I was just lying to myself, and I hurt you in the process. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I looked up to his eyes that read hurt. Pain that I caused.

"You need to stop blaming yourself for everything Soph. Not everything's your fault. A large majority of it is, but not entirely all of it." I laughed at his humor. I was thankful for some comic relief. I was always planning on having this conversation with him, but it was never light and mostly consisted of him yelling at me like he did last time. His words brought me back to the present. "Look. I think we should stay just friends. You obviously don't like me the way I liked you, and besides," I could see a smile form on his lips. "Do you remember Megan?" I thought back to the cheerful and enthusiastic make-up artist from the Over Again music video. I nodded in remembrance. "Well, I am dating her now, and we seem to be happy for now."

I felt like a weight was released from my shoulders. Megan was cute and smart. Plus, if she could make him happy like she couldn't, that was a big bonus. "Good for you!" I said genuinely happy for him.

"And you have pop star. Everything works out. It's better this way." It made sense, and I was glad we could end on good terms.

"His name is Liam." I joked with a laugh to ensure he understood the playful joke it was intended to be.

He gave me a smile and stood up brushing grass from him. I followed his movement, and I gave him an innocent hug. He kissed me on the cheek before walking towards his car. "Bye Soph,"

"Bye Luke!"

I waited for him to pull away for me to start back inside. Liam was by my side in an instant, and I put my hand is his finally ready for the future.

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