Chapter 3

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~~~ SOPHIA'S POV ~~~

What were we to say? They are within sniffing distance and here we are. The line has diminished and since the lines are smaller and time is available, they take time for everyone to get a real meet and greet. Lenna is still smiling ear to ear. I haven't seen her this exciting since two hours ago when the concert started. I am so glad I am able to share this experience with her. Another person left content. One down, one to go.

After five minutes, we were standing in front of the people we loved most. The people we danced around crazy in pajamas singing into a hair brush to. One Direction. They looked better in person if that is even possible. I wanted to tell them all this and more, but as usual, Lenna got to her voice first.

"Hi! I'm Lenna, and this is my friend, Sophia! We are your biggest fans!" She looked back at me. I had to speak. How do you prepare yourself for this? Yes, you can talk in the mirror, but this is completely different. I forced myself to look up from the ground and found them all looking at me. 

"Hi! I am Sophia! Just.... We love you so much. Thanks for being amazing, and your music is perfect and..." I didn't know what to say. It didn't help that twelve eyes were glaring at me.

Liam was the first to speak. "Aw thanks you guys! We appreciate all the support you have given us!" He was looking at me. Into my eyes. I felt my knees go weak. He's so perfect. 

I went to nudge Lenna to speak, and move things forward, but she was in her own conversation.

"So Harry...." I couldn't help but praise her for not caring what people thought. She did what made her laugh.

Niall and Louis were whispering in each other's ear while looking at me. They went to go talk to someone in a suit on the side. Zayn just stood there smiling at Lenna and me. After about thirty seconds of awkward talking between Liam and me, Niall and Louis came back with the man in the suit. He was all business with a stone face and graying hair.

"How would you like to be in the next One Direction music video?" Who was he talking to? I looked behind me to see if anyone was there, and Niall started laughing. "Both of you."

Lenna immediately turned around, and I could feel my eyes grow wide. I couldn't speak. This was all a dream. I would wake up any second, or this was some cruel joke. Us? In a music video? Was I going to be playing an ogre that attacks the helpless citizens?

"I will take that as a yes. Someone give them the details. Production starts next week. I am guessing you are minors, so we will need to talk to your parents or guardians. Any questions? No. Good." The suit man walked away, and Lenna and I faced each other. Our day was becoming better and better every second that ticked by. 

Zayn was the one to break the new silence, "Well then. Shall we take a picture? We will give you the details after."

Lenna and I handed our phones over to the photographer and we got in a line. Lenna was in between Harry and Niall, and I was between Liam and Zayn.

"One... Two...Three! Say cheese!" The overly enthusiastic person said. "One more! One more! Get back in the line! On cheese! Cheese!"

The camera went off capturing this moment forever.

Pink Ribbon (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now