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There was no explanation as to what happened last night. Hyeongjun wasn't sure that it would ever come, but he knew that Seungmin wouldn't care. But something about waking up, his waist being hugged by his roommate gave him some confidence. Luckily for him, the older boy was already awake. Something rather rare, as he was usually the first one up.

"Seungmin.." He extended the last letter of his name due to nervousness. He nodded and hummed, he felt slightly hurt that he wasn't even properly greeted. He quickly realised that it was immature and not even a bad thing. He had been getting good mornings every day that made his days so much brighter. Missing a single one wouldn't do anything bad.

"The reason I cried yesterday, well, when I went over to Gunil" He started, he was trying to stall it. The later he could get his words out, the later the reaction would be. At least that's what he was hoping for. He still hadn't faced Seungmin this morning. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was already beautiful, no matter what, he was always so handsome. Admittedly, it made him quite jealous. The fact that no matter what, he was always looked good. He did like it though, as if meant he got to be around a ten out of ten almost all the time.

"Well, basically, I had to talk. Cause well, believe it or not.." He paused, he wasn't ready to fully admit it, both to himself and to someone else. Seungmin's interest was fully piqued, he couldn't wait to hear it anymore.

"I like guys, like you, like literally everyone I'm friends with." He realised that he should've utilised grammar in what he was saying, since it sounded like when announcing it, the guys he liked could be specially Seungmin.

He tried to explain it, but kept on stumbling over his words. He took a deep breath, and explained everything calmly. Seungmin couldn't help but chuckle, he thought it was so cute, by the way he was talking. The raspiness in Hyeongjun's morning voice made the older boy blush quite a lot. He loved hearing it, another thing that made his day much brighter.

Seungmin didn't say anything yet, he didn't know what to say. The hope that he was starting to loose over time just came back in a matter of seconds. Maybe, it meant that one day, Hyeongjun and him had a possibility of being together. Now that it no longer was impossible, he just felt over the moon.

"I'm glad you are able to figure it out" He finally got out, blushing bright red. He didn't know if that was the appropriate reaction, but he didn't really care, he was so happy to hear those words come out of Hyeongjun's mouth. The words he never thought he'd hear due to loosing all sorts of hope.



Shorter chapter (Chapter 50! I'm so happy!) , I'm sorry, but I hope you enjoyed!

-Jude out!


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