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🎧 Heartburn ★ Sunmi

"Hyeongjun-ah!" Seungmin excitedly exclaimed in the middle of the crowded hallway of the school. The boy who's name was called was at the locker, getting his books to go home for the day. He was searching for his physics-chemistry binder, to study for a test on Wednesday. It was their first day back, from the autumn holidays, early to mid November.

The boy turned and smiled at him, Seungmin put his arm around his shoulders, slightly struggling, due to a slight height difference. Nothing dramatic though. "You tall bastard." He muttered under his breath, he wasn't expecting to be heard, but Hyeongjun simply chuckled.

Seungmin pushed him away from the locker and closed it from him. He pulled him away excitedly, to leave the school. Hyeongjun struggled following him as the school was extremely crowded at 3pm on a Monday. They had finished school for the day, they were really lucky to finish that early.

They left the school building and that's when Hyeongjun understood his excited mood. "The first snowfall! Actual snow, not mixed with rain!" He exclaimed, pulling him under the roof. Soon enough Seungmin's hair started being covered by snowflakes.

"You'll catch a cold if you stay here any longer, let's go home." Hyeongjun said, going up to him. Seungmin shrugged and ran toward the way home. The guitarist failed to catch up to him, well he didn't try at all anyway, so he just called his name until he finally stopped.

They started walking home, it was rather quiet, until the older of the two was stopped. There was a short boy in front of them, he scoffed before rolling his eyes. He was about to start walking away but he was stopped again. The shorter boy put his hand on his shoulder and made him stop.

"Jiseok let go." He muttered, pushing away his hand and starting to walk away. He was stopped for one last time by Jiseok hugging him tightly.

"I can't stand this anymore, for fucks sake, talk to me, be my best friend again!" He pleaded, he sounded really desperate, he looked like he was in the verge of tears. Hyeongjun and Seungmin exchanged confused glances. The latter was kind of happy that he was talking to him. He wasn't planning on talking first, nor apologising first.

"I'm really so fucking sorry Seungmin, I shouldn't have kissed you, really, it was the worst mistake of my life. It's just that you were my first crush ever, and I just wanted to know how it was like to kiss you. And I realise now, I shouldn't have done it, I have the greatest boyfriend I could ever ask for, and I had you as the bestest friend I could ever have. And I ruined both because of my stupidity." His apology was sloppy, but that just meant that it was heartfelt. It meant that there were no scripts, it was a raw apology, with an explanation. Exactly what Seungmin wanted. The only thing he didn't understand was the last part, he was pretty sure Jiseok and Jooyeon were still together. He saw them holding hands a lot. He realised afterwards, that by ruining it, he was talking about a change in their relationship dynamic.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have react like that either, we were both in the wrong" He faced Jiseok, he was able to fully see his face, he could see how sad and sincere he looked. They decided to hug it out.

"Friends?" Jiseok asked, sticking out his hand to shake it, Seungmin thought for a short while. He didn't want to just be friends. He wanted things to go back to how they were. Even if that was impossible, he wanted things to continue as they previously were. That was a bit more accurate.

"Best friends." Seungmin shook his hand and gave him a soft smile. Jiseok couldn't help but smile back as well.



Please why are these getting so sloppy 😭

-Jude out!

Written on: 17.07.24
Uploaded on: 18.07.24

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