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🎧 Balloon in Love ★ Sunmi

"Good to see that you're friends with Jiseok again, you see so much more relived." Hyeongjun said, he ran his hand through the older boy's hair. A blush formed on his face, he was a deep shade of red. He liked it anytime the younger boy slightly touches him, either his hair or his hands, or specifically, his waist. He really loved everything about him. It was very safe to say that he was in love with him.

"I didn't think it was visible." He replied, looking at Hyeongjun who was sitting on his bed. The shorter boy had his legs up to his chest, and he looked up at him. His cheeks flushed red. He felt his stomach doing backflips. He was over the moon, he knew he had to stop taking any interaction between the two as romantic. Even if he wanted to believe it like that.

Hyeongjun shrugged, he simply laughed it off, he didn't realise that he had noticed something like that. They were barely looking at each other, more through the mirror. Seungmin co I'll of see that his hair was being brushed by the boy above him.

"Have you ever thought of getting a middle part?" Hyeongjun asked, he stopped looking in the mirror and looked down at Seungmin. The latter turned to see him, he shrugged, he always had a very similar hair style for years. So, truthfully he hadn't. He just shook his head.

"It would fit you well, your hair length and colour with your great features would look really amazing with a middle part." He explained, Seungmin felt his heart flutter when realising that he was complimented on his appointment. It was something he hard often, he obviously fit the beauty standard quite a lot, but it felt special coming from Hyeongjun.

"T-thank you." He felt a bit flustered, he wasn't exactly sure what to say. There was another period of silence for a while as Hyeongjun was concentrated on styling his hair.

Now obviously, with this moment, Seungmin's feelings were only growing stronger and stronger. These past few weeks always felt like that. Hyeongjun constantly felt his heart beat faster, he didn't know what it was. But based on what Gunil had told him, he was guessing it might be linked to the friendship dynamic between the two. Not only Gunil, but by what Mai said, about his sexuality being obvious. It made a bit sense to hear that now, a couple of days later.

The way they acted between the two was really not completely platonic. He wished that it wasn't love that he was feeling. He wanted things to stay as they were. After all, there had been too much change so far. He stayed in denial right now, him and Seungmin were just close friends now.



Sloppy again, but I hope you enjoyed!

-Jude out!

Written on: 17.07.24
Published on: 18.07.24

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