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🎧 BYOB (Bring Your Own Best friend) ★ Billlie

Seungmin was obviously not going to go back to Hyeongjun's house. So, he could either stay at Gunil's place or Jungsu's. Both were alright with him staying at their houses. He decided to go with his closest friend.

So now, Jungsu and Seungmin were walking home together, the former was holding the umbrella over them.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked, Seungmin nodded, obviously he wasn't good, but he was talking a bit more than before. "So can I take away the ice cream tub?" Jungsu asked, searching for the lid. The younger boy nodded and watched him close the tub.

"How much did you eat! It's almost empty." He said lightly chuckling, he didn't want to make him feel bad. He went downstairs and left him alone for a short while.

When he came back, he forced Seungmin to go downstairs. He made the younger boy sit on the couch of the living room as he turned on the television. He handed a switch control to him and kept one for himself.

"Which map do you want to play?" Jungsu asked, Seungmin shrugged, he really didn't mind. So the older boy chose the Animal crossing inspired map.

They played for an hour and a half, it mostly being a tie for eleventh and twelfth place. "Damn, we suck." Jungsu chuckled and nodded, the worst part about their places were that the cpu levels' were on easy.

"Oh, it's getting late, we have school tomorrow! I'll give you some cold medicine to prevent anything and then we should go sleep." Jungsu suddenly stood up when laying eyes on the clock above the television. He pulled his best friend towards the kitchen and searched for some medication.

Once Seungmin had taken the medicine Jungsu prepared for him, the two boys went up to the latter's room.

"You can sleep in the bed with me." Jungsu suggested, Seungmin looked at him for a couple of seconds. He made sure he just heard what was said.

"No fucking way. I'm sleeping on the floor, that's disgusting." He said grabbing the blanket laying on Jungsu's bed. "No! Give it back." He tried to take it back, but Seungmin was firm. It was obvious he wasn't going to move or give up his blanket.

"Then I'm sleeping on the floor with you." Jungsu smiled and laid next to him on the carpeted floor. Seungmin shuffled as far away as possible from him. "I'd rather kill myself than stay on the floor with you." Seungmin muttered, the older boy sat up and flicked his head. "You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Jungsu was done with his antics, and he just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

That's exactly what he did, Seungmin stood up and went to bed. He laid down and stared at the ceiling for a while. Jungsu had managed to fall asleep in a blink of an eye.

Seungmin couldn't sleep immediately, so he decided to go on his phone. He made sure the light didn't bother Jungsu by turning down the brightness. He was just looking through his camera roll. It was mostly filled with pictures of him and his friends either together, or just alone. Those with Hyeongjun caught his eye, he always looked attractive in those pictures.

A loud notification then was heard, he realised he hadn't silenced his phone. The sound woke Jungsu up. "Learn how to put your phone on do not disturb." Jungsu muttered, he threw one of the two pillows on the floor on Seungmin. The younger boy simply threw it back at him.

"Ow! That hurt! You hit my head Seungmin!" Jungsu complained, rubbing his forehead multiple times. Seungmin simply laughed at him "Womp Womp, cry me a river."

The older boy rolled his eyes before quickly falling asleep quickly. Seungmin decided to check what some Jungsu up. It was a message, a message from someone he wasn't planning to talk to in a while.

Han Hyeongjun asking him to meet up at the school building, at midnight. Well almost midnight, Seungmin didn't have anything better to do, so he decided to quietly get ready. He didn't want to wake Jungsu, and he really didn't want to explain where he was going.

But he wasn't quiet enough, as once again, Jungsu sat up, he watched Seungmin gather his few things for a short while before getting too curious. "Where are you going?" He asked, the younger boy flinched a little.

"I'll be back soon." Is all he said, he then quickly closed the door carefully behind him. Jungsu furrowed his brows, he didn't get it at all. He forgot about it in a matter of seconds, again, falling asleep.



Seeing this song in person makes it even better!

-Jude out!

23.07.24 (woo 10 days till my birthday!)

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