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🎧 Firework ★ Twice

Seungmin arrived at the school building, he had never been nearby this late at night. He noticed a silhouette near a bench, mostly outlined by the light over it. He went up to it, he knew it was already Hyeongjun, not only did it look like him but he wondered who else would be at school in the dead of the night.

He greeted the boy, he guessed Hyeongjun smiled but he couldn't properly see him. He didn't understand why he was smiling, this day was definitely not a very nice one.

"I haven't been able to sleep." Hyeongjun said, in his mind, Seungmin scoffed. He didn't know why the younger boy would have trouble sleeping. He wasn't the one that had gotten rejected after all. "It's weird being all alone." He admitted, he had gotten so used to having Seungmin in his house that not having him around now felt weird. He missed him more than he would ever think.

"And, I feel really bad." Those were the words that Seungmin wanted to hear. He knew the younger boy wasn't done talking. He did pause for around half a minute though. "I'm sorry Seungmin, I shouldn't have run off, your confession was so heartfelt, and I just crushed it with my words. I'll try my best to figure out my feelings. I'll try it fast, but I'll tell you as soon as I know what I feel about you." Seungmin bit his lip, he knew that Hyeongjun was genuine with his words. He felt his heart flutter slightly.

Seungmin looked at his fingers. He pulled in of his rings off and put it in Hyeongjun's palm that he just opened. "You'll keep it until you truly get your feelings, if you like me back then you can keep it back, but if you don't then keep it." Seungmin explained, he watched Hyeongjun put on his ring. At least that's what the older boy thought he saw, he couldn't see correctly.

Hyeongjun then stood up, he stuck out his hand and waited for Seungmin to either hold his hand or his arm. There was a slight sound when the metallic rings touched each other's.

Seungmin looked at him, he was blushing quite a lot. Hyeongjun's outline of his head was visible due to the light behind him and the moon light of the full moon.

"I'm glad I got that off my chest." Hyeongjun admitted, he had been thinking about it ever since he ran away. "I'm usually such a coward, I always try to get away from a conflict." Hyeongjun said, he was surprisingly chatting this late at night. Well, by now it was basically very early in the morning.

"Well you only did it halfway today, I'm proud." Seungmin replied, ruffling his hair with his free hand. It reminded Hyeongjun of their daily routine, of him asking what he was doing for the day. It made him remember that he had no idea where Seungmin was staying for the night.

"Where are you sleeping for the night?" He knew that in a day, Seungmin would be back. That's why he formulated it like that. He wasn't wrong, the boy was planning on coming back after school.

"Jungsu-hyung's house." Hyeongjun nodded, slightly humming.

Their late night encounter continued all the way till the wee hours. It was almost four by the time he arrived at Jungsu's house. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he knew that Jungsu would tell him off for being out so late, and without even knowing where he had been gone. Luckily for him, he was fast asleep, just like always.



Ahh this is really sloppy 😔
But! Happy Gunil day!!

-Jude out!


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