Episode 5:

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Episode 5:
Cassie and I finish dinner and we continue talking at the table. It's around 11 o'clock and dark outside.

"Well, I should get back home" Cassie says.
"You can stay here if you want" I reply standing.
Casey then starts crying. 'Sorry about that" I say and quickly go to my room. I pick up Casey and soon make her stop.
"She's so cute" Cassie says walking in the room.
"Yeah. Just wishing Max was here as well"
"Yeah, I want to meet him. But you don't need to worry, I'll be hear" Cassie comes closer to me and looks at Cassie. She then looks up at me so we're staring into each other's eyes. She moves forwards and kisses me. She moves back and looks down. "I'm sorry. I just-" I stop her. "It's fine. I- I kind of liked it" I say and put Casey back in her crib. I move to Cassie and kiss her.

-Next morning-
I wake up with Cassie's head on my chest. I move her head onto the pillow and get out of bed. I get dressed, pick Casey up and go outside. "Morning Mark. I was just going to come see you. Have you seen Cassie?" samuel asks walking up to me. "I think she's at her house. Why'd you want to see me?" I lie, not wanting to tell anyone about me and Cassie yet. Well I'm not actually sure if there is anything.

"I just wanted to see how you're going with the new job"
"Fine- just... fine" I reply not sure what to say.
"That's good. I better be going then. I'll talk to you later Mark" Samuel says and walks away.

"Morning, Mark. You coming inside?" I turn around and see Cassie standing at the front door with a blanket around her body just covering her breasts. "You might want to get dressed" I looked up at her and smile. I follow Cassie inside my house. She goes in the bedroom and gets dressed.

After a while Cassie comes out smiling "You know we have a day care for kids and babies. Maybe instead of carrying her around everywhere you can take her there" she says.

I nod and walk back outside. Cassie takes me to the day care and gave Casey to a woman named Alice. Cassie grabs her bag and weapons and gets ready to go on a run. I walk with her to the front gates where there's a quad bike waiting for her. She smiles at me then puts the helmet on. She gets on the bike and rides out.

-Few hours later-
I've been walking around the area. I never knew being a cop in a kind of small town would be so boring. Dan comes up to me "Hey" he says quietly.
"What's up?" I ask
"Tell me about"
"wanna go on a run?" Dan asks.
I nod. "Yeah, I'll just grab my stuff"

I go to my house and grab my back pack. I put it on my back and put my gun holster around my waist. I put my handgun in the holster and put my survival knife in the holder which is attached to the gun holster.

I go to the front gates and see Dan waiting there next to a SUV car. Dan gets in the driver's seat and I get in the passenger seat. As Dan drives out, I stay quiet playing with my knife. "But seriously Mark, shave that god damn beard off and cut that hair. You look like an ape" he says smiling. "Haven't really got time too" I reply. It stays for a while after that.

After about half an hour we make it to a city. "Here we are" Dan says. "The city? You sure? Aren't most cities overrun?"
"Yeah, but there's supplies. It'll be worth it" he replies.
I nod and get out the car. Dan turns the car off and gets out. I put my bag on my back and grab my weapons. I look at Dan and he grabs a compound bow out the car. "Since when do use a bow?" "Since I was a young boy, my dad taught me how to use one" he replies putting the quiver on his back. We walk down and cross a bridge. We get inside the city and at first there are no walkers anywhere.

We turn around a corner and see them. All the walkers are trapped behind a gate, but they see us and soon start hitting it. "Shit run!" I yell at Dan pushing him to run. I keep running soon hearing the gate fall. I look back and see them, hundreds of them coming after us. I look back forward and see Dan is gone. A walker then suddenly grabs my shoulder. I look at the walker and it bites into my shoulder "No! Shit!"

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