Episode 2:

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Episode 2:
-3 days later-
"Mark, I love you so much. Just close your eyes" Sarah says. "NO!" I yell.

The moment keeps going through my head. The moment that asshole killed Sarah. "Mark? Are you going to come out? It's been 3 days. All you've been doing is sitting in this room. Max is worried. He- he's been going on runs. If any of us try to stop or go with him he points his handgun at us and says 'I have to be strong just like my father'. Please come out. Your son needs you" Greg says. I look at him and nod.

I stand up and follow him out to the living room where everyone is. Everyone looks at me but doesn't say anything. I walk to Corinna and take Casey from her. "Thanks for looking after her" I say and look at Casey. I smile at the site of her. "Max is the one you should be thanking. He was the one who went out and got formula" Corinna says. I go to Max "Thanks" I say to him. He doesn't look up at me "You left me... you left me when I needed you the most. You can go say 'thanks' to someone else. I was doing what had to be done" He says. I nod and agree with him. I can why he's angry.

"We should leave. Four days is long enough. Every day more people die, and the earliest we cure this thing, less people will be dead" Greg says. "Shut up Greg. That cure thing is bullshit. You said you have been communicating with these people. You don't even have anything to communicate with. Your walkie-talkie broke months ago. Everyone knows the cure thing is bullshit, so shut up about it" Max says looking up at Greg.

"Is it true? You've been fucking lying?!" I yell walking towards him "so many people have died to keep you safe!" I calm down a little and look down at Casey. "I'm so sorry. But I believe that this Northwood place is the best chance for survival. I've heard about it. About how there's hundreds of people. We should still go there" Greg says. "He's right" Kev says. I nod and agree with them.

We all start packing our bags with the supplies that Max got while I was... sorting things out. I put the baby formula and some other food in my bag. I went outside to Sarah's grave for the last time before we leave. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep you save. But I promise I will keep Max alive. I can promise that" I say to the grave. "Ready to go?" I hear Zach say behind me. "One second... goodbye" I say my last word and walk back to the group.

"We should keep to the roads. Maybe we could find a car" I hear Kev say as Zach and I come to the group. "Ok kids stay in the middle of the group. We always keep our weapons out. Let's go" Rex says. We all start walking soon making it out of the woods and onto the road.

"We've been walking for hours. Can we have a rest?" Will ask. "Five minutes" Kev replies and the kids sit down on the grass. "hey Mark, Rex, come here" Greg says standing next to Kev. Rex and I walk to them and they have a map out. "So we're not sure if we should take the main road or back dirt road. Main road might take less time but the back road will have more stops for supplies" Kev says pointing to the map. "Max, can you keep watch while Kev, Greg, Rex and I talk" I ask Max. He nods and stands up. "Might be a long shot but we don't have much supplies left. We should go back roads. Might take more time but hopefully it's worth it" Rex says. "Ok, let's do it" Kev replies.

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