Episode 3:

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Episode 3:
We have now been walking for a few hours and still haven't seen a car. We're walking along the highway. We see a walker and Kev goes to kill it. "Stop. We can use it. Just cut its arms and jaw off. My group did it to keep the walkers away" Max says before Kev could kill it.

"Rex, I'll tackle it and you cut its arms off with your axe" Kev says and tackles the walker to the ground. Rex lifts his axe and cuts the walkers arms off. I grab my gloves and put them on. I walk to the walker and pull all the teeth out. "Now what? Don't we need something to hold?" Corinna asks. "I have a rope" Laura says and gets the rope of her bag. We tied the rope to the walker and continued walking.

Every walker we saw we added it to our collection of walker pets. It's been a few hours and we now have 9 walkers, one for each person.

"g-guys" Greg says. We turn around and see blood coming out of his mouth. He falls to the ground and behind is a man with tattoos everywhere, long brown hair and a big beard. "Hey survivors" he says. "Dad!" Will and Patrick yell. Rex throws his axe and it goes into the man's stomach.

"Why did you do that?!" I yell at the man as he falls to the ground. He doesn't say anything and closes his eyes dying. "Greg, it's ok. You're going to be ok" Kev says pushing down on where he got stabbed. "Greg, I love you" Corinna keeps repeating kneeling down next to him. The twins start crying as they sit next to him as well.

"What the fuck just happened?" Rex asks. "Greg was a lawyer before all this. I kind of recognise this guy's face. He might have been the guy who Greg sent to prison... now stop worrying about him and worry about Greg!" Corinna says. Greg continues lying there slowly dying. "What if there's more? We need to go now" I look back and hear Max say. "No! we are not leaving my dad behind!" Will yells back at Max.

"You look after my wife and kids. Promise me" Greg says to me. "I promise man" I say down at him. "I'm sorry about lying about the cure. I'm sorry about-" "Shut up. You don't need to apologise" Kev interrupts Greg. Greg slowly closes his eyes and soon his heart stops. "No! Greg!" Corinna yells down at the body.

"I've got my shovel. Let's dig a hole under a tree and have a funeral. It's what he'd want" Kev says with a tear going down his cheek.

Kev starts digging the hole and Rex picks up Greg's body. Rex carries the body to were the hole is. Greg's body then suddenly starts moving. "What the hell. Is he alive?" Kev asks. "No, he died. His heart stopped and everything" Rex Replies still holding the body. Greg open his eyes, but there different colours. "Shit he's a walker!" I say just as Greg sinks his teeth into Rex's lower arm. "BOOM!" a bullet goes through Greg's head. I see Max standing there pointing his gun. I walk to Rex with my hatchet tightly in my hand. Rex drops the body and looks at the bite. Its like everything went in slow motion. "rex, put your arm out" I say. When he puts his arm out, I lift the hatchet and swing it down cutting his arm off. He yells and looks at the cut of part. "Holy shit" Rex yells.

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