Episode 8:

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Chapter 8:
-1 month later-
I was sitting down with Sarah and Max eating breakfast like most days. "Mark, can I talk to you... in private?" She asks nervously. "Sure" I reply confused. We walk to our room and we both sit on the bed. She looks at me nervously "Mark. I- I'm... pregnant" She says slowly. I look at her in shock but soon get excited "That's..." "Walkers!" I hear someone yell out. Sarah and I run out to the others and see a herd of walkers at the building.

"Run!" I yell. The walkers start piling up against the window. The glass is about to crack. I run to the back and kill most of the walkers with Dan. Sarah and Max run into the RV. Then Dan runs in. another 6 people run out and get in. I wait for other people but the walkers got them. I jump into the passenger seat and Dan drives away. "Can't believe after a few months, that place is just gone" Dan says and continues driving.

We've been driving for four hours now. "A few months ago I heard of a place called Northwood. Obviously from the name, it's up north" Trent says. He joined us a week ago and has already got my trust.

"That's our best try. We should go" Dan says and stops the car. "Why you stop?" I ask and look over at him. I see his eyes are looking straight ahead. I look and see a man maybe in his teens standing there. "Please help me!" he yells out. It looks like blood on the left side of his stomach. "I've been shot! Please help!" he yells out again. "Keep going. He's not even hurt" I say to Dan. Dan nods and puts his foot down on the accelerator. The man grabs a gun and starts shooting at us. Soon people from in the woods starts shooting. "Everyone get in your seats and buckle up!" I yell to the people in the back. Everyone does what I say and Dan keeps driving. I look in the distance and see what looks like a school bus driving towards us.

"Turn us around!" I yell at Dan. He turns the RV around and we drive away, soon seeing another bus. "Shit, we're stuck" Dan says. The bus behind us hits the back of the RV. Soon the one in front of us hits us as well.

I see myself been dragged by some man. I look up at him and he grabbed his shotgun and hits me over the head with it.

I wake up in a chair in a room by myself, with my hands tied behind the chair. Where am I? Where are Sarah and Max? I had so many questions going through my head. But before I could think of anymore a man walks in. He has a small beard and hair down to his shoulders. "I'm sorry about that. My man took the wrong orders. They were suppose to just bring you back, not knock you out"

I say nothing and just look up at him. "Not a talking? That's ok. I guess I'll just have to make you talk. I have a young boy and a pretty girl with blonde long hair in the other room"

"You touch them. And I will dig my fingers into your eyes" I threaten him. "I'll talk to you later. I will pay a visit to that pretty girl" He walks out the room. "No! Don't touch them!" I yell out.

It was quiet for a while until I heard screaming. "No! Please!" I hear Sarah yelling. "Oh you're a fighter. I like fighters" I hear the man say. I just had to sit there and watch. After five minutes he comes back in my room. "Well that was nice. I have a pet walker, which needs feeding. You mind giving me a hand" He smiles. Two more men come in the room and untie me. They slam me onto a table and one of them holds my hand out. "Fine. What do you want!?" I ask. "We want food. I kind of lied about my pet walkers. I just want to feed myself and my group" he grabs his knife. "I like small pieces of meat so I'm going to start with the fingers" he says and starts cutting my pinkie. I yell in pain. "AAWW! Please! Stop!" I yell.

He finishes with my pinkie and starts cutting off my ring finger. I kept yelling in pain. Soon he gets all the way through and both my ring and pinkie finger. "OK, this is taking too long. Let's just cut his hand off" The man holding me down says. The leader nods and puts the knife to my wrist. "Boss!" a boy in his teens yells and comes in the room. "It's the black man. He's escaped" he says. Dan, he must have somehow escaped. All three of them run out "Find him!" The leader yells. They slam the door behind them and lock it. I sit against the wall looking at my hand with only three fingers. I soon pass out from the pain

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