Episode 7:

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Episode 7:
The guy with the crossbow comes up and unties me "Don't worry man. You're ok" He says. "Just go!" I yell at him. I run to Max and kneel next to him. I see that the bolt went through his eye, but didn't go right threw the brain. "Shit, he's still breathing" I pick Max up and run to the mall. I kick the door open and run to Zach. "Zach, get your medical supplies. I need your help!" I yell putting Max on the table in the café. Zach runs in and sees Max "Holy shit. What happened?" he asks. "No time to explain! Just fucking stop the bleeding!" I yell at him. I move aside and Zach starts helping Max.

"BOOM! BOOM!" gunshots go off. I look out the window and see the man with the crossbow with another 4 men. "We want this mall! We're coming in!" they yell and kick down the door. "Kev, Rex, grab your guns!" I say. I grab Max's handgun and hide behind a wall and wait. "You don't have to do this. Just leave and no one will die!" I try making a deal with them. They fire a shot. I guess that's no.

I come out of the wall and shoot at them. Rex runs and goes on the other side. We both shoot at them. I shoot one guy in the chest. Kev comes running and shoots as well. I see Rex shoot another guy. I come out of the wall and get shot in the shoulder. I look at my shoulder and see the bullet went straight through.

I forget about my shoulder and keep shooting. I soon run out of bullets. I look at Rex and see he isn't shooting. He's out as well. Kev shoots another two men. Only one guy left. Soon Kev shoots but nothing comes out "shit we're all out of ammo!" I yell to Kev. The man moves forwards blowing his shotgun at us. He goes to Rex and shoots him in the leg "you already lost your arm. Now going to lose your life" he points his shotgun at Rex. I look at Zach and Max then back at Rex. There's no way, I'm letting this asshole kill Rex, Max or anyone here.

"Fuck this" I say to myself and run out towards him holding a knife. I jump at him. "BOOM!" I get shot by his shotgun in the stomach, but as I come down I stab him in the chest. I role off him and lie there. "Shit! Mark! Mar-" I pass out.

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