Episode 11:

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Episode 11:
We all stand there looking up at all the people, all being men. They all clap and yell. "Let the biters out!" the man with the long hair yells. Suddenly big metal doors open up and heaps of walkers start walking out. I grab my machete in with one hand and with the other I grab my handgun. I point the handgun at the walkers and start shooting. The rest of the people with me start shooting as well. I soon run out of ammo and quickly reload with my last magazine. After a while I again run out of ammo. I drop my gun and start killing them with my machete.

Soon all the walkers are dead. "Well done, you survived the first round. I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Nate" The leader says. I stand there not saying anything just waiting for the rest of our group to come in.

"Hey! Nate! There people comi-" a man says before having a knife coming from behind and cutting his throat. "Kill them! Kill them all!" Nate yells.

I run with Ralph beside me. "Now you really need to listen. Do not leave my side! You stay with me at ALL times!" I say Ralph over all the gun fire. I watch as my group starts coming through the gates and shooting. I run with Ralph to all the other houses searching for Max, Jerry, Cassie and everyone else. I get to a house with cages everywhere.

"Mark! The keys next to the door!" I see Cassie. I grab the key and start unlocking all the cages.

"Dad!" Ralph says running to a cage. I unlock it and Ralph and his dad hug. "Dad, I didn't give up on you. I always tried to find you. I love you so-" suddenly blood starts coming out of Ralphs mouth. I look back and see a big man maybe he's 6'8 with a sword through Ralphs stomach. He pulls it out and stands there. "No! Ralph!" Ralphs dad yells. I run at the big man but just gets his head cut off.

An arrow then goes through the big man's chest. He turns around and looks at Alex who's standing at the doors. He shoots another arrow in the guy's chest as he walks towards him. The big man then falls to the ground. I give the key to Cassie and run to Ralph. "You'll be ok, ok?" I say. "I got to see my dad. I rescued him. Thank- you-" he says closing his eyes. I grab my knife and stab him in the head before he could turn.

"Mark!" Cassie says running to me. She opens her arms and hugs me. I hug her back "Come on. Let's go" I say holding her hand.

I run with Cassie and again is suddenly shined with light in our eyes. "You really think those people could have taken this place?" Nate says. "Where's my son?! Where's Max?!" I yell at him.
"Who the fuck is Max?"
"The kid with one eye"
"Oh him, yeah he was here. He was awesome. He was my pet" he says.
"What happened to him?" I ask.
"He left. He killed half of my men. He was a true survivor. He nearly killed me as well. See this?" he says pointing to a scar going down his eye "That was him. Don't know where he is"
I don't say anything and smile. He throws Rory to us beaten half to death. "Let us go" I say.
"You have 48 hours. You need to get your supplies from your community and leave. We need a safer place. If we see anyone inside, we will kill them"

"You can't, please. We have children who won't survive out there" I try begging him.
"No. you have 48 hours to get out. That's the deal" he says again.
Nates men then start pushing us out.
We soon get out of the gates and they close them. "Better hurry" one of the men yells down to us.
"Wait, where's George?" I ask.
"Is this him?" Nate says and holds Georges head by the hair. He laughs and throws the head down to us. I look at it for a second then walk. We go back to the cars then drive back to Northwood.
We go inside and have a meeting with everyone.
"I know there's only a few of us left but we can survive. We lost Samuel from the herd of walkers. We have also lost George. A lot of your people who were supposed to be at Nates group weren't there. Nate has said that we have to move out, or they'll kill everyone inside. Can everyone please go pack their bags? We'll leave first thing tomorrow" I say to everyone.

Everyone goes to their houses and pack their bags. I go to my house with Cassie and Casey. I pack my bag with food, including baby food, water and other supplies. Cassie also packs a bag for her. I put Casey in her crib and lie in bed with Cassie. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing? Just giving up?" I ask Cassie. "No... I'm saying it's the best idea but... I just don't want anyone eke to die. I don't you to die. You're all I have left" Cassie says closing her eyes. I close my eyes as well and soon fall asleep.

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