Episode 10:

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Episode 10:
Ever since yesterday when I killed that man from Nate's group, I haven't been able to stop thinking about getting Max back. In the morning we line everyone up and decide who will come and who won't. I go along and look at everyone.

"That's Tina. She's from the day care" Dan says.
"Tina, you can stay here and look after the children. I know you may be new to killing but you have to do what ever it takes to keep these children alive." I say and she walks away.
I move along and see Ralph, the 9 year old boy. "Ralph, you're not coming"
"Yes I am mark. My father is at that group and I will get him back. I'm a good shot" he says.
"No Ralph. You're too young"
He shakes his head and runs off.
I keep walking along the line and decide for each person if they're coming or not.

Around 20 minutes I finish and eventually have a team of people to come. We take the day to say our goodbye's to close friends and family who aren't coming to Nate's camp. I hold Casey close and kiss her head "I love you so much" I hug her more knowing I might die during this run. I give her to Tina at the day care. "Remember Tina. Don't open the doors for anyone." I gather my supplies, I grab my back pack with a rope, flashlight, screw driver and a few other supplies in it. I put my handgun holster in along with my handgun in the holster. I put my machete in the case on my back and my knife in its case on my belt. I also put a rope so that I can choke people on my belt.

We all meet at the front gates. There are about 40 people coming. We all get in separate cars and drive out of the community.

"You're scared aren't you?" Dan says to me as I drive.
"Of course I am. It's been months since I've seen my son. I don't even know if he's Max anymore. So yes, I'm actually shitting myself right now"
"No. I mean going inside this group. Their dangerous"
"Oh that. Not really" I reply.
We keep driving for about 20 minutes until Dan tells me to stop.

"Why we stopping" I ask pulling the car on the side of the road.
"We're about a 10 minute walk away. We don't want them hearing the cars" he says.
I nod and get out of the car, also grabbing my bag and weapons. I walk quietly with everyone through the woods towards the group. We get to a place where we can see the gates around fifty metres away. "Ok so what's the plan? We can't all just start running inside" George asks.
"I'll take you, Dan, Jeffery, Victor, Alex and Rory. And we'll kill the ones inside. Move quickly to different building. You kill anyone; don't feel bad, they won't. We get our people and that's when we call the rest of you. One of us will send off a shot and everyone spread yourselves around the fences. Kill anyone you see... ok everyone who's coming with me lets go" I say.

George, Dan, Jerry, Victor, Alex, Rory and I slowly move up closer to the fence. "Mark, I'm as well" I look behind me and see Ralph the little 9 year old.
"Ralph, what are you doing?" I whisper to him.
"I'm coming. I'm getting my dad. Anything you say won't make me go back to everyone else"
"Fine, but stay close to me" I say and continue walking closer to the fence.
We get to the fence jump over it onto a house. We jump down and look through the window. I see 2 men and a kid. The 2 men are touching the kid. "You think he's tight or lose" one of them say laughing. They start taking the pants off the kid. "I'll take him. I can use one arrow to kill both of them" Alex says. He pulls the string back loaded with an arrow and lets go. The arrow goes through the first mans neck then into the next man's chest. I open the window and we all climb through.

George goes to stab the men in the head but I stop him. "Stop. let them turn"
I go to the back of the house and see another man sitting at a table eating. I stand up and run at me with a knife. I dodge his swing and knock him to the ground. I throw the knife out of his hands and grab the string out of my pocket. I wrap it around his neck pull as hard I can. Soon he stops breathing and dies.

We continue going through the houses killing everyone we see. After half an hour we go through ten houses and still haven't seen max or any of our people. I look outside and see no one. "Let go to the houses across the road" I say. Everyone follows me out of the house and onto the road. When we were nearly at the houses suddenly big lights shine onto us. I look up barely able to see, I see a man with long hair and a long beard. Just like the guy who took max and wrecked the mall. "Welcome... Let the challenge begin!" he yells out. Everyone including him laughs and yells.

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