Episode 5:

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Chapter 5:
-2 weeks later-
Sandra and I have just been travelling for two weeks. We have been staying a different place every night. We are now at a school. Sandra said she went there and they use to have a bunch of food in a back room. While Sandra was looking for the food in the back room, I'm walking through the hallway seeing if I can find any other supplies. It was pretty dark but I couldn't see any walkers. I got to a corner and slowly turned around it. "Good, no walkers" I continued walking and walked around another corner, where there were heaps of them. I looked at me and started chasing me. "oh shit" I run away from the walkers. "Sandra! The school is overrun" I yell trying to get her attention. "Sandra!" I keep running but still don't find her. I keep running away from the walkers through the hallways. I go around a corner and see Sandra running. "There are heaps of walkers!" She yells. "I know let's get out of here!" I yell back. We both run away from the walkers. We get blocked and have to run into a classroom. I open the window and climb out first. I look back and see Sandra get grabbed by a walker. "Help!" she tries to get away. I go back inside and see the walker bite her hand. It was like everything just went in slow motion. I grab my hand axe that I got a few days ago and lift it "Sandra... I'm sorry" I say and bring the axe down and cut off her hand. I grab her and run outside. "What have you done?!"She yells. I close the window and stop the walkers from chasing us. I grab the bandages from my bag and bandage Sandra's wrist. "I'm sorry. It was all I could do" I say.

We keep walking and soon get to the car park, were heaps of cars are. "It feels like my wrist is on fire" Sandra says. "Stay here and I'll find a car" I say and Sandra sits down on top of a car to keep watch. I went to the first car and it had no gas. A lot of the cars didn't have gas. There are over 50 cars here, this might take a while.

I've searched at least 30 cars now and only have half my gas can filled. I went to the next car and saw a walker, but it was stuck under the seat belt. I then saw a big water bottle "we need that" I thought to myself. I climbed inside the car and unbuckled the seatbelt. I quickly climbed back out and waited for the walker. The walker fell out of the car "grrrrrr" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw another walker.

The walker falls to the ground and I see Sandra then with her sickle in the walkers head "Behind you" she pointed past my shoulder. I turned back around and put my hatchet in the walkers head. "Thanks, you should go back and keep watch" I continued searching the cars and Sandra went back and kept watch. I put the water bottle in my bag. I went to the next car and tried to start it. It wouldn't start. So I continued searching. Finally I had to the last eight cars. I then saw a fire station across the road. Coming out of the fire stations garage is a big fire truck. I bet there's heaps of water and gas in that. I went over and tried starting. At first it didn't but eventually it started. I then saw Sandra running from the car park "Mark! We need to go!" behind her was a massive herd of walkers. I put my foot down on the pedal and drove to Sandra. She jumped on the back and climbed onto the roof. I drove as fast as the truck could go through the herd of walkers. I saw walkers get run over and some going flying from the impact. The passenger side door open, then Sandra climbs in and closes the door. I looked out at all the walkers and when I looked back there was a car. The truck flipped and I got knocked out.

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