Episode 16 (season finale):

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Episode 16 (Season Finale):
"NO!" I yell as I watch Casey cry while being stabbed. I pull my machete and handgun out killing everyone around me. I run up to the guy stabbing Casey and cut his head off with the machete. I look at Casey as she cries, dying slowly. "Daddy" she says crying. "That's me. I'm daddy" I say quietly crying. I look up at the leader who's laughing and smiles. "I told you I'd rip your head off... and I keep my promises" I grab his head and start pulling as hard as I can.

"Please don't" he begs as he waves his arms around. I grab my knife and cut the skin around his neck making it easier to rip his head off. I soon rip his head off. I put my pointing finger in one eye and my middle finger in the other and hold it. Everyone looks at me in horror. Dan and everyone else pulls their weapons out and start killing the rest of them.

While sting holding the head by its eyes I grab my handgun and shoot any of the people left over. I hear shooting from outside and soon Max walks in. he looks at me still holding the head. "Dad?"

I then hear another small growl. I look down and see Casey as a walker. I point my handgun at her head and pull the trigger. I lift the head up and look at it. I drop to the ground and drop the head. I look at the head in front of me and start punching it crying. I put my two hands in one fist and smash the head open seeing the brain and blood. "Dad?" Max kneels down at me and hugs me "I'll miss Casey. I loved her" I hug Max back and he cries.

"Casey's gone. Means Sarah's gone. Every time I looked in Casey's eyes it just brought good memories with Sarah back. Now all of that is gone" I stand up with Max.

I grab a shovel from one of the bodies and walk outside to the woods. I start digging a hole for Casey. It didn't take me long but once I finished I went back and picked up Casey's body and put it in the hole. I then filled in the rest of the hole with dirt. I stand there and look at the grave. I feel a hand go on my shoulder. I look back and see Dan.

"I know your daughter just died but what you just did was not... human. There might be people lost in this world but that won't happen to us, including you" he says.

"Not human? Are you fucking kidding me. those people stab a baby in the stomach and you say what I did wasn't human. Your lost you're all lost! They were the normal ones between the two groups. We aren't normal. Well not me, at least you all. We just lost two people from our group-"
"And we killed even more" Jerry says.

"They were killers! They deserved it! You know what if you want to leave. Then leave. You don't want me making the decisions then leave. I'll be happy to be by myself! You can all leave. We all have scars on our bodies and without me you guys would have even more. You want to leave you'll get more or you'll just die. Actually how about I just kill you all and get it over and done with! Just letting you know if you stay with me... I'm making the decisions"

They stand there for a few seconds before saying anything. "Fuck this. Fuck you. I'm leaving" Jerry says and starts walking away.

"Like I said, if you leave, I mind as well kill you anyway" I say lifting my handgun and pointing it at Jerry.

"You can't do that! I'm going to live with or without! You can't just kill me for leaving. You know what, shoot me. Kill me! I'd rather die than spend one more day with you. You're going to die a bad man. You can either die a hero or live long enough to turn into a monster. That's what's happened to you. You're a monster and you'll die a monster. Fuck you! I'm leaving... alive" Jerry and turns around and starts walking away.

"No you're not. You're not leaving alive and I sure as hell aren't dying. Can't say the same for you" I say and pull the trigger. "BOOM!"

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