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after we got home that weekend i went straight to bed but not before washing off my makeup and doing my skincare.

i asked owen if he wanted to come round the next day and he said yeah so now we're both laying on my bed while we watch adventure time on netflix.

we've been in this position for the past few hours and i was starting to get hungry so i turned around and rested my arm on owen's chest before putting my chin on the top of my hand.

he sighed before saying "let's go" making me jump up and go get ready.

he knows me so well, we've been spending every day together these past few weeks and i think im starting to like him, no i KNOW im starting to like him.

he's so cute and sweet and beautiful.

i finished getting ready and he changed too since he brought some change of clothes as we were already planning to go out later today.

i finished getting ready and he changed too since he brought some change of clothes as we were already planning to go out later today

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as we walked downstairs he greeted my mum and started conversing with her as i talked to my sister for a while before we left.

as we got into the car he connected to the aux and started playing love yourz by j.cole (SONG AT THE TOP) while singing the lyrics at the top of his lungs making me laugh whilst joining him.

he took us to mcdonald's and we got an eat in tray and sat down and started talking about whatever.

we were on the discussion of the 'olive theory' which he brought up when i took out the tomatoes from my burger and gave it to him. i hated tomatoes and he loved them,i thought the idea was really cute.

we must've been really deep into conversation because we didn't realise a group of girls come up to our table practically drooling over Owen.

they didn't even notice i was there so i just say quietly as i wanted to see how this would play out.

a brunette girl with beautiful green eyes stepped forward eyeing my man like he was some prey.. weird ass bitc-

wait... MY MAN???

"i saw you and thought you were beautiful and i was wondering if i can please have your number" she mumbled obviously shy awh maybe this interaction wouldn't be so bad she seems nice and cute.

"thank you but i've got a girlfriend sorry" Owen politely declined making my smile drop.

he has a girlfriend??

"oh okay" she was about to walk off till her eyes landed on me.

she looked at me for a while before saying "i didn't thinking a guy like you would be interested in black bitches but you learn something new everyday" she smiled sweetly. a little too sweetly.

i scoffed and looked at Owen to make sure i wasn't the only one that heard that.

he looked at me while shaking his head. so he isn't even going to stand up for me?

fucking men, what a joke.

"i know damn well you're NOT talking to me because i won't let someone disrespect me like that making me look like a mug and walk away free but im feeling nice today so i suggest you and you're little neeky friends piss off" i snarled getting angry because i was being called out on my name and i had no one to defend me. not like i need defending but it's the thought that matters and that's the principle of it.

she scoffed while rolling her eyes before walking off but i didn't miss her calling me the n word.

once she said that i lost my fucking shit.

before i knew it i was on top of her punching and pulling at her hair while she tried her best to get me off her while crying screaming for help.

people tried pulling me off her but i wouldn't get up till i felt a familiar presence behind me and before i knew it owen's large veiny hands were pulling me off her.

when he turned me to face him i just slapped him and walked out.

what a fucking joke.

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